100 Amazing Progressive Albums by Junomoogmello

I could easily think of at least 300 plus albums I would like to have added to this chart. If I added all my Pink Floyd, Genesis, ELP, Yes, Jethro Tull, King Crimson and Van Der Graaf Generator albums alone, I would probably fill the chart! So I have had to be a bit selective and controversially, some of my choices may surprise. For a start the boundaries of Prog are very subjective. For example, is Led Zeppelin IV heavy metal, heavy rock or progressive? Perhaps it is all three, in parts. Were Talk Talk and David Bowie progressive in some of their work? Yes, I believe they were. So what defines progressive then? Long tracks? Shifting time signatures? Changes of key signature? Heavy use of instruments like the Mellotron, Moog and CS80? Searing guitar solos? Albums where tracks have a common theme, the CONCEPT ALBUM? Long instrumental passages? Songs which are not love songs or breakup songs. Albums themed around outer space, inner space, Tolkien, Jules Verne, Atlantis, The Dark, Henry VIII and everything between. Amazing and thought provoking album cover art? It is all of the above but not necessarily all on one album, sometimes less is more. Prog morphed from Psychedelia at the tail end of the sixties, therefore it should be no surprise that many of the albums I have included were released in the seventies. However, to keep things interesting and debate open, I have included some albums which sit around the periphery. I have also not deliberately included albums which people might expect to be in in certain positions. In just about every prog chart I view, I see King Crimson ‘In the Court of the Crimson King’ and Pink Floyd ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ in positions 1 and 2. I have tried to approach this chart slightly differently, there are so many amazing albums, it is unfitting to consider them in a numerical order. Therefore consider this chart as 100 amazing prog albums but not ranked numerically. I have also attempted to provide a good blend of albums, which span the six decades of progressive rock to date. I do think Prog is somewhat subjective, so if in viewing this chart, some albums don’t gel with your perspective of Prog, let it go, or maybe change perspective…

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Led Zeppelin weren’t progressive were they? Hell, yes, absolutely, with many of their albums containing progressive elements but none more so than IV. Here are some prog checks to verify my conclusion:
- No album title or band name on sleeve.
- Shifting time signatures.
- Robert Plank looked like someone from a Tolkien movie.
- John Paul Jones used a CS80 and Mellotron.
- Huge dynamic shifts within songs.
- John Bonham incorporated kettle drums in his drum kit.
- Stairway to Heaven is probably the best progressive track ever written.
[First added to this chart: 03/31/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1971:
Rank in 1970s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
2. (=)
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A lot of the seventies and early eighties Rush albums had a progressive mix of ingredients. Without doubt 2112 has to steal the show. The sleeve photo of the trio in their silk kimonos indicates this may not be any average rock album. With a whole side dedicated to one theme, the word 'concept' is brought into play, however it isn't a concept album in totality, side 2 takes us in a very different direction completely, for example on the excellent 'Train to Bangkok'. The Moog synthesiser is used more for sound effects on this album, it is yet to become an instrument which will add lead lines as with their later works. The changes in dynamics on this album are constant, shifting from quiet acoustic passages to full on heavy metal in the case of side 1. In my opinion, 2112 was Rush at their most progressive. [First added to this chart: 04/01/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1976:
Rank in 1970s:
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This was one of the first vinyls I ever owned. I had asked for it as a Christmas present back in the early eighties and wore that copy out! I subsequently replaced the vinyl about seven years ago and still enjoy listening to it regularly. The title track and ‘Every Day are personal favourites. I have been fortunate enough to see Steve Hackett three times and have met him once. Steve is an incredible guitarist, if you had asked Eddie Van Halen who invented finger tapping, he would have told you Steve Hackett. [First added to this chart: 04/04/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1979:
Rank in 1970s:
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This was the first vinyl LP I ever bought. I still remember the day I bought it and the pleasure I got from first listening to it. That very first copy became very scratched and I fortunately picked up a near mint second hand copy to replace it in 2016. I still listen to the album regularly and enjoy it as much as the first time I listened to it. Now, here's the question, is it a 'concept album'. Yes, I think it is. The fear of the dark theme runs through each track and the sleeve note highlights that 'fear of the dark is about the unknown...'. The musicianship on the album is top notch, this is where I was first introduced to Simon Phillips, who went on to Toto fame. As a teenager taking drum lessons I would drool over the massive drum kit pictured within the album gatefold. The title track and 'Nightrider' are awesome. Did Iron Maiden get their font idea from this album? Perhaps they did as they produced their own Fear of the Dark album several years later. [First added to this chart: 04/05/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1978:
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From the opening picked guitar notes, there is no doubt that this is a return to the centre of the earth. The choice of narrator is spot on, it had to be either Charles Dance or Patrick Stewart, the latter tells the story with impeccable clarity and a depth of tone which so befits this epic, which I might add, is better than the original! The London Symphony Orchestra, English Chamber Choir provide the awesome foundation for a plethora of stunning musicians and guest vocalists, the latter including none other than Ozzy Osbourne, Bonnie Tyler, Justin Hayward and Trevor Rabin, among others. The Roger Dean designed album cover houses a booklet with photos of Rick Wakeman in a cave which could well be on the way into the centre of the earth. Rick does not disappoint, piano sections befitting a concert pianist are counter balanced with searing Mini Moog lines. It is hard to believe this album is now 25 years old as at the time of writing! No doubt set to become another prog classic. [First added to this chart: 04/06/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1999:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
6. (=)
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This has to be my favourite Camel album. The intriguing cover art was associated with the Camel brand of cigarettes. [First added to this chart: 04/05/2024]
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Rank in 1974:
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Superb album housed in what is a quite simple yet thought provoking sleeve. The guitar work on this album is fairly epic and is complimented by the first class rhythm section. Wishbone Ash are a band rarely listed in prog album charts and in my humble opinion are a very underrated band. [First added to this chart: 03/31/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1972:
Rank in 1970s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
8. (=)
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Eloy based their name on the Eloi, the futuristic race from Jules Verne’s ‘The Time Machine’. A very apt name for this German progressive band. Noted as one of the best works to be issued by Eloy, the instrumentation on this album is exceptional, particularly the drumming. The drummer has been compared to Neil Peart and I can see why. Early albums by Eloy, particularly on vinyl, seem to be incredibly rare, so I was very pleased to pick this near mint copy up an antiques fair. The vocals on this album are more spoken than sung but that doesn’t detract from the overall excellence of this concept album. [First added to this chart: 03/30/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1977:
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This Dutch band incorporated yodelling and it worked! Exceptional musicianship with comedic elements in parts and flute embellishments to rival Ian Anderson in others. The drumming is first class on the opener, full of energy and innovation. The follow up track could not be more different, acoustic guitars founded on lush strings with flute taking the lead in parts. The next track opens with an almost classical piano intro. And so the album continues. A very underrated prog album. I first came across it when I borrowed it from a library in the eighties. At that time I did not appreciate its worth, it is only with maturity that door has been opened! [First added to this chart: 03/31/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1971:
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Their best album cover courtesy of Roger Dean. Fragile and Close to the Edge tend to steal the show when it comes to Yes albums. I have read several articles where Yes didn’t rate this album, Rick Wakeham in particular didn’t like it. However, I do like it and tend to reach for it more than Fragile and Close to the Edge. [First added to this chart: 03/31/2024]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1973:
Rank in 1970s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
Total albums: 100. Page 1 of 10

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100 Amazing Progressive Albums composition

Decade Albums %

1930s 0 0%
1940s 0 0%
1950s 0 0%
1960s 2 2%
1970s 58 58%
1980s 9 9%
1990s 7 7%
2000s 5 5%
2010s 14 14%
2020s 5 5%
Artist Albums %

Pink Floyd 4 4%
Yes 4 4%
Rush 3 3%
Genesis 3 3%
Rick Wakeman 3 3%
Camel 3 3%
Jethro Tull 3 3%
Show all
Country Albums %

United Kingdom 76 76%
United States 7 7%
Germany 4 4%
Canada 4 4%
Mixed Nationality 3 3%
Norway 2 2%
Faroe Islands 1 1%
Show all
Live? Albums %
No 97 97%
Yes 3 3%

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100 Amazing Progressive Albums ratings

Average Rating: 
87/100 (from 1 vote)
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av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

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