Dylan Covers 4:Every Song 1967-71 by US artists by Moondance

This chart is the 3rd in the series dedicated to all those USA artists who are either lesser known or completely unknown but have included a Dylan cover song on an album.
This particular chart covers the period April 1967 to November 1971, including unreleased songs or outtake songs which were later released on the Bootleg Series of albums. Thus, it begins in Woodstock, during Dylan's 16 months retreat following his motorcycle accident.
Once I have listed between 1- 3 cover versions of a particular song by lesser known/unknown USA artists, I will move onto the next song in Dylan's chronology for which a cover version(s) are available.
Albums recorded &/or released during this period are:
The Basement Tapes (recorded 1967; eventually released June 1975)
John Wesley Harding (December 1967)
Nashville Skyline (April 1969)
Self Portrait (June 1970)
New Morning (October 1970)
Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II (November 1971)

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Track 1 - Odds & Ends
This 26 track album covers the entire 18 Dylan songs & 6 The Band songs eventually released on the June 1975 Basement Tapes (in identical track listing) plus 2 contemporaneous Dylan songs (Quinn The Eskimo & I Shall Be Released). Importantly, this album provides the only US artist covers of:
Track 1 - Odds & Ends
Track 10 - Apple Suckling Tree
Track 18 - Tiny Montgomery
Track 20 - Don't Ya Tell Henry
Dylan (with The Band) recorded these songs between April - October 1967 in Woodstock but it was not released until the June 1975 'The Basement Tapes'.
Apart from 'Odds & Ends' with 5 covers, Famous Horses are the only known artist (US or otherwise) to have 'bothered' to release a cover version of the other 4 listed songs..
[First added to this chart: 04/06/2024]
Year of Release:
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Track 9 - Million Dollar Bash
Dylan (with The Band) recorded this song between April - October 1967 in Woodstock but it was not released until the June 1975 'The Basement Tapes' at track 3.
There have only been 8 cover versions of this song.
[First added to this chart: 04/06/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1970:
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Track 1 - Goin' To Acapulco
Dylan (with The Band) recorded this song between April - October 1967 in Woodstock but it was not released until the June 1975 'The Basement Tapes' at track 5.
There have only been 3 covers of this song, with The Crust brothers being the first - some 23 years after Dylan's official release.
The Crust Brothers 'Marquee Mark; albums also includes Dylan 'Basement Tape' covers of:
Million Dollar Bash - track 2
Lo And Behold - track 5
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere - track 6
Please, Mrs. Henry - track 12
[First added to this chart: 04/06/2024]
Year of Release:
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Track 3 - Lo And Behold
Dylan (with The Band) recorded this song between April - October 1967 in Woodstock but it was not released until the June 1975 'The Basement Tapes' at track 7.
There have only been 3 cover versions of this song.
[First added to this chart: 04/06/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1972:
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Track 3 - Clothes Line Saga (by Suzzy & Maggie Roche)
Dylan (with The Band) recorded this song between April - October 1967 in Woodstock but it was not released until the June 1975 'The Basement Tapes' at track 9.
There have only been 2 cover versions of this song, with Suzzy & Maggie's being the first recorded version and the only version by a US artist.
[First added to this chart: 04/06/2024]
Year of Release:
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Track 1 - Please, Mrs. Henry
Dylan (with The Band) recorded this song between April - October 1967 in Woodstock but it was not released until the June 1975 'The Basement Tapes' at track 11.
There have only been 6 cover versions of this song. although 2 have been by notable artists: Manfred Mann Earth Band & Cheap Trick.
Note: This Trials & Tribulations album also includes a cover of Open The Door Homer (track 8) from the Basement Tapes album.
[First added to this chart: 04/06/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1970:
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Track 7 - Tears Of Rage
Dylan (with The Band) recorded this song (co-written with Richard Manuel) between April - October 1967 in Woodstock but it was not released until the June 1975 'The Basement Tapes' at track 12.
There have been 20 cover versions of this song, including The Band and Joan Baez.
[First added to this chart: 04/07/2024]
Year of Release:
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Track 9 - Too Much Of Nothing
Dylan (with The Band) recorded this song between April - October 1967 in Woodstock but it was not released until the June 1975 'The Basement Tapes' at track 13.
There have been 13 cover versions of this song, including the first ever cover by Peter, Paul & Mary in November 1967.
[First added to this chart: 04/08/2024]
Year of Release:
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Track 13 - Yea! Heavy And A Bottle Of Bread by Taylor Bacon
Dylan (with The Band) recorded this song between April - October 1967 in Woodstock but it was not released until the June 1975 'The Basement Tapes' at track 14.
There have been only 8 cover versions of this song.
[First added to this chart: 04/13/2024]
Year of Release:
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Track 2 Down In The Flood
Dylan (with The Band) recorded this song (which has the full title of 'Crash On The Levee (Down In The Flood) between April - October 1972 but was not released until the June 1975 'The Basement Tapes' at track 16.
The song has been covered by 24 artists.
Dylan, with Happy Traum, recorded this song in September 1971 and it was released on side 4, track 7 (the final track) on the November 1971 'Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, Vol. II' double album.
[First added to this chart: 04/01/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 2006:
Rank in 2000s:
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Total albums: 100. Page 1 of 10

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Dylan Covers 4:Every Song 1967-71 by US artists composition

Decade Albums %

1930s 0 0%
1940s 0 0%
1950s 0 0%
1960s 7 7%
1970s 31 31%
1980s 1 1%
1990s 13 13%
2000s 27 27%
2010s 17 17%
2020s 4 4%
Country Albums %

United States 93 93%
Mixed Nationality 5 5%
Argentina 1 1%
United Kingdom 1 1%
Compilation? Albums %
No 93 93%
Yes 7 7%
Live? Albums %
No 98 98%
Yes 2 2%
Soundtrack? Albums %
No 99 99%
Yes 1 1%

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av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

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