Average position chart

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Location: Ireland
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  • #1
  • Posted: 02/03/2007 21:23
  • Post subject: Average position chart
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I got the idea from the section that shows the highest user rated albums. What about making a chart out of the postion each album has on other charts? The chart could just comprise of the ratings from magazine/TV/newspaper lists or could take user charts into account as well.
"Its so easy to laugh, its so easy to hate. It takes guts to be gentle and kind"
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  • #2
  • Posted: 02/04/2007 01:44
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Hi The_111th_Beatle,
Thanks for the suggestion. Were you thinking something similar to the Make Chart page or something a bit different to this? If the 'make chart' page was modified to include user charts in the filter this could maybe provide that functionality?

Location: Ireland
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  • #3
  • Posted: 02/05/2007 15:42
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Yeah i didnt really articulate myself well but in a nutshell its giving the option of including user charts in the make chart facility if thats possible. Thanks.
"Its so easy to laugh, its so easy to hate. It takes guts to be gentle and kind"
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  • #4
  • Posted: 02/06/2007 10:32
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No worries. we'll have a look at doing something here. The reason that user charts are not currently listed in 'make chart' is that the average positions can get a bit skewed particularly with the variation in different chart sizes (/100, /20, /10 etc):

Somebody has added an album at position 5 in their user chart and the same album appears at position 65 of a well known chart then what happens is that the average position is 35.

Now, if another album is in one user chart at position 10 then this album will have a lower average than the one that appears in two charts.

Another album appears in position 78 of a well known chart and it doesn't appear in any user charts. It's going to appear well down the rankings....

What will happen is that albums that are ranked outside the top 20 in recognised charts and that are not in user charts will fall to the bottom of this list (user charts can have a max of 20 albums.)

At the moment, we've skirted around the issue on 'make chart' by just listing the recognised charts which are all out of 100 (conveniently.) Some sort of weighted average is needed here where an album in position 8 of a user chart (out of ten entries) has say a weighted rank of 80 but we need to decide on a formula as this may not be entirely fair.

The other difficult thing with this is as there's so many user charts (and growing all the time), would you want the ability to pick particular charts or to just 'show albums appearing in more than x charts'?

We're more than happy to add the functionality but just thinking of the best way of doing it...any thoughts?

Location: Ireland
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  • #5
  • Posted: 02/08/2007 20:54
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Giving what you said it doesn't really seem practical and I can't offer you a solution so don't feel too pushed to add this feature because of me, I should've put more thought into it when I posted the suggestion.
"Its so easy to laugh, its so easy to hate. It takes guts to be gentle and kind"
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  • #6
  • Posted: 02/08/2007 23:51
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I've thought of a little work-around which I'm currently playing around with on the test site, basically if you have the following ranks:


these can all be turned into percentiles:

3/10 = 30
1/20 = 5
2/5 = 40
8/100 = 8

and then an average can be taken from the percentiles (to give you an average rank out of 100):

(30 + 5 + 40 + 8) / 4 = 20.75

The only flaw that I've noticed is that an album finishing top in a chart of one will have a percentile of 100 which could screw the average. Apart from that, not too bad.

I'll keep playing around and hopefully come with something better over the next few days as it's a shame not to include user stats on that page.

Location: Ireland
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  • #7
  • Posted: 02/09/2007 20:37
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Thanks I appreciate it.
"Its so easy to laugh, its so easy to hate. It takes guts to be gentle and kind"
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