Repo's ULL

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Segnahc Reve4
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Location: Land of the Argonauts, Centaurs and other such creatures
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  • #41
  • Posted: 09/04/2014 18:54
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Fuck! And I thought I had my share of pain in this world... Hang in there mate. Best wishes for a miraculous recovery.


"And can’t you see you’re in on it?
You were born though you need not
And is that not some cause
For worship, being born among these trees?"
Gender: Male

Age: 34

United States
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  • #42
  • Posted: 09/04/2014 18:57
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I'll try to do a quality job in your place.
I don't know what exactly is happening to you health-wise, but I hope it all works out.
Let me know if you need anything, outside of just BEA duties. Sad
  • #43
  • Posted: 09/04/2014 22:00
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Thanks, everyone for your support! It’s been great to feel part of a community again. One of the hardest things over the past five years was losing most of my friends when I no longer could be the same active and outgoing Repo. Especially since most of my friends were doctors who are crazy busy. Also, because my illness took years to diagnose because it’s so rare and strange, I lost a lot of friends along the way. Doctors in particular can be very judgmental especially when it comes to pain.

But interestingly, the alternative medicine community is probably just as judgmental if not more so. That community has really embraced the Law of Attraction and You Become What You Think philosophies over the last couple of decades. While they provide nice soundbites and their is a kernel of wisdom to be found in them, these ideas have become grossly distorted & overly simplified and now these viewpoints are often used to judge and blame the sick. Blaming the victim I call it. I honestly feel that these philosophies may be causing more harm than good. It’s an extremely Calvinistic take on things. If you’re healthy, it’s because you were thinking good thoughts. If you’re sick, it was because your were thinking bad thoughts. It’s incredibly overly simplistic and just bullshit. Chronic pain patients in particular fall victim to these axioms. No one was more positive and happy than me back in the day so I know it’s bullshit, but a lot of patients take these philosophies to heart and blame themselves. Plus, I can't tell you how many people have lectured me how I am at fault for my illness. It's crazy. I hope to one day change that because these people have suffered enough, and they are not at fault for their illness. I have a lot of goals to shake up the medical world if I ever conquer this. It’s been an enlightening journey, but one I wish I never had to take. Understatement x a million. LOL.

Ignorance is truly bliss, Mecca!!!
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Age: 30

Location: Nowhereland. (Cheshire/Liverpool)
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  • #44
  • Posted: 09/04/2014 22:09
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RepoMan wrote:

No one was more positive and happy than me back in the day so I know it’s bullshit, but a lot of patients take these philosophies to heart and blame themselves. Plus, I can't tell you how many people have lectured me how I am at fault for my illness. It's crazy. I hope to one day change that because these people have suffered enough, and they are not at fault for their illness.

I reckon it is my optimism and positive outlook on life that has helped me cope with my Cystic Fibrosis - to not let it rule myself and take it in your own stride. Not to let the condition and other conditions dictate you as a person. Yes - you are going to have to limit your activities on occasion and may not be able to keep up with the speed of the life of peers, but I find that as long as you laugh, smile, do not complain, cry in private and think rationally then what can seem pretty grim circumstances can become suddenly manageable.

I advise all with their own troubles to take note.

Apologies if this sounds flippant at all.
''Isn't He A Bit Like You and Me?''



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  • #45
  • Posted: 09/06/2014 13:58
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your post was so unexpected Repo,
I'd like to say that I really like you, your posts and your charts.
and I'm so grateful to you for your kindness and to be here with us.

Last edited by pa on 09/06/2014 14:44; edited 3 times in total
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  • #46
  • Posted: 09/06/2014 14:07
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I have only just noticed this. Fuck. Probably the most harrowing post I've ever seen here, but also one of the most beautiful and eloquent, and ultimately heartwarming. It really puts shit into perspective to read something like that, but it also provides hope and encouragement. My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope everything goes as well as is possible.
2021 in full effect. Come drop me some recs. Y'all know what I like.
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Location: The Upside Down
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  • #47
  • Posted: 09/06/2014 14:17
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Can I just echo what skinny said really well. All the best with tackling this.
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