CD Review's area on the forums

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  • #1
  • Posted: 06/18/2007 05:19
  • Post subject: CD Review's area on the forums
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First I want to say I love this site, I hope it keeps growing on. Thanks forall who made this site possible.
I think it would be a good idea if there's an area for cd reviews in the forums. I know there's a place already where anyone can comment on every album but, sometimes is hard to know which albums have some comments in it, and on this way it would be an easy way to read new releases for example and even post more new comments.
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  • #2
  • Posted: 06/18/2007 15:11
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Thanks for the good feedback bc1991.

At the moment, on each chart page, there's a grey panel with a hyperlink showing how many comments an album has received and the average rating - you can click on these hyperlinks to view the comments and ratings in more detail.

Also, towards the bottom on the home page, there's a panel on the left-hand side showing the most recent comments and if you use a newsreader (if not, try Google's -, you can use it to subscribe to a RSS feed of the latest comments from the site.

We want to try and keep it that all reviews or comments for an album are kept together in one place rather than have some comments on the forum and then some elsewhere. For example. we think it's good to have all the ratings and reviews for Exile on Main Street all in one place (on the Exile on Main Street page) than having to go back and forth to the forums etc to try and find scattered comments. I don't know, maybe this is wrong, it's hard sometimes to get the balance, but it feels right to do this I think.

For the July update, we're working on changing the way ratings and comments are captured to make it a bit easier for our visitors from a usability point of view to leave ratings and comments. At the same time of doing the July update, we could look at seeing how we can flag up the comments in a much more visible way. Maybe we need to do something to make them easier to find? If you have any ideas, then please let us know.
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  • #3
  • Posted: 06/19/2007 19:01
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Thank you Albummaster for your reply. I think I didnt explain myself well, those hyperlinks are ok and very visible, and I dont think they have any problem. The problem I think is to know which album has a comment and which one doesnt. We can only know on the main page the latest ones, and in the charts we have to be looking for each one to find out.

Maybe a way to solve this is by making a section in which is a list of all albums that have comments in it, and we can click and take us to the album itself, (a little similar with the users area like the members statistic page in which you encapsulated only some members).

Anyway if it can't be done it will be ok, its not like its a matter of life and dead.
Gender: Male

Location: Spain

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  • #4
  • Posted: 06/19/2007 21:46
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Hi bc1991, we'll see if we can do something here. Maybe like you say, we could just add an extra page to the site showing a summary table of the comments for each album in a similar way to the member stats. We could show every album that has at least one comment and perhaps order the table to show the most-commented album first.

We can definitely add this to the 'to do' list (maybe with a couple of refinements along the way) and it might even get done in time for the July release depending on if we can finish the adjustments to the ratings functionality on time.
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