Re-arranging/modifying albums to make them better

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  • #1
  • Posted: 02/11/2012 22:32
  • Post subject: Re-arranging/modifying albums to make them better
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I think this is an important question to be answered (at least for me) as it will affect how I rate albums.

If you have an album with one or more bad tracks, and when you remove these tracks (and maybe add in some others) the album becomes a greater experience and flows well, would you be willing to rate the album as you heard the modified album?
Sure it’s not in its ‘original form’ or anything, but that really shouldn’t matter - aren’t we just trying to find the best listening experiences possible for ourselves?

Many old albums had hit singles added to the start or end of albums, and for a while I would only listen to the very original releases, without the hit singles added. It seems a bit silly depriving yourself of a better experience just in order to be a ‘purist’.
Many people are also against compilations, which is okay if they don’t work as an album, but some are against them simply because they aren’t all from one era and it’s ‘cheating’ (even if it’s a better experience as a whole). Once again, aren’t we just trying to find the best listening experiences possible for ourselves?

Does your chart represent your favourite albums as originally released put into order (all albums with even ground), or does it represent your favourite albums put into order, in what even form you have it in (modified, bonus tracks, US version, vinyl tracks)?

Or an even simpler question - do you modify albums and listen to them modified?

Obviously, this would only apply to digital, where the order/tracks included can be modified.
  • #2
  • Posted: 02/11/2012 22:51
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I buy a lot of CD versions of albums that I own/owned on vinyl... I do get irritated sometimes by the bonus tracks that are added to the CDs, probably because I am not expecting them to be there. It is particularly irritating if it is some kind of cut and paste from another album. Anyway there is nothing wrong with the bonus tracks it is just I don't feel they 'belong' on the album.

When I put the CDs onto itunes, I generally split out the bonus tracks and listen to them separately from the album they came with....

Other than that I rarely modify the play order or change the albums!
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  • #3
  • Posted: 02/11/2012 23:42
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Agree with Mancsoulsister, I get annoyed when reissues have loads of 'bonus tracks' on them, they're out of place because they weren't there originally. Split them up and listen seperately definitely.

Compilations are a definite no unless you only have a passing interest in an artist in which case they're not likely to make your list anyway.

Occasionally I do delete really weak tracks if I feel they make the album worse, I wouldn't add tracks in though that doesn't make sense.

Sometimes I prefer different releases of an album, a good example would be The Clash's self titled where the US release is far superior to the UK release with the addition of White Riot, (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais, I Fought The Law and the best Clash track Complete Control amongst a couple others.

The US version of The Smiths' self titled has This Charming Man on it so I prefer that version.

But generally no I don't modify them, not because I'm a purist or anything I just prefer to keep them as they were, as they'd be if you put the CD/record on.
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  • #4
  • Posted: 02/13/2012 04:11
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Recently I have thought of getting the best bits of Adore and Siamese Dream together to make an album similar to Melloncollie, but have yet to do so.
  • #5
  • Posted: 02/13/2012 04:16
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some folks might be interested in this ole thread:;start=0
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