a plea to everyone

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Brunei Darussalam
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  • #21
  • Posted: 02/05/2012 13:25
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pearljammer13 wrote:
HigherThanTheSun wrote:
Thirdly it seems like a bit of a unique club here and it's a bit daunting when you see how people talk to each other like they seem well acquainted and you've only just arrived. I mean don't get me wrong it's great that people here get along but like I say a bit daunting.

When I joined this was my biggest problem with getting into the forums. When I started reading them it seemed like there was about 10 or so users that were very tight knit, and as I started posting slowly I was just looking for approval from a couple of you before I started really getting involved more. I'm not saying it's a bad thing that there's a small number that's so close (it's actually quite nice now), but that coupled with how much you guys seem to know just made me a bit timid at first to voice my opinions.

And to drag in another thread that's been hot lately, my chart has quite a bit of more mainstream stuff (Foo Fighters in the top 10 Shocked), and it seemed like that was a little abnormal too, so I was wondering if I'd get less respect for that.

Of course now I see that those thoughts were silly and the vast majority of you guys are extremely nice, and there is absolutely nowhere I would have more fun discussing and discovering new music, so for that I thank you all and thank this site. I'm certainly not going anywhere else.


I owe $100,000 and wasted 4 years of my life.

And all I got was this silly hat

  • #22
  • Posted: 02/05/2012 13:30
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Personally, I find it much more annoying to read through a bunch of long winded posts trying to tell other people what they can and can not post than it is to read some of the duplicate threads mentioned. As long as everyone is decent and respectful towards each other, what does it hurt if there's some duplication once and a while? It's not like there are 500 threads a day to sort through or something. And it's not that hard to ignore a thread if you want to.
Young Pilgrim
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  • #23
  • Posted: 02/05/2012 15:55
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GARY wrote:
pearljammer13 wrote:
HigherThanTheSun wrote:
Thirdly it seems like a bit of a unique club here and it's a bit daunting when you see how people talk to each other like they seem well acquainted and you've only just arrived. I mean don't get me wrong it's great that people here get along but like I say a bit daunting.

When I joined this was my biggest problem with getting into the forums. When I started reading them it seemed like there was about 10 or so users that were very tight knit, and as I started posting slowly I was just looking for approval from a couple of you before I started really getting involved more. I'm not saying it's a bad thing that there's a small number that's so close (it's actually quite nice now), but that coupled with how much you guys seem to know just made me a bit timid at first to voice my opinions.

And to drag in another thread that's been hot lately, my chart has quite a bit of more mainstream stuff (Foo Fighters in the top 10 Shocked), and it seemed like that was a little abnormal too, so I was wondering if I'd get less respect for that.

Of course now I see that those thoughts were silly and the vast majority of you guys are extremely nice, and there is absolutely nowhere I would have more fun discussing and discovering new music, so for that I thank you all and thank this site. I'm certainly not going anywhere else.


Applause Another reason to love GARY! I'm so nervous/excited right now I don't even know what to do with myself. If the Pats lose tonight I might crawl into a dark hole for a few weeks. If they win I'll be running up and down my street for a few hours pumping my fists and waking up anyone who may have fallen asleep.
  • #24
  • Posted: 02/05/2012 22:12
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This is absurd. Some of your examples are legitimate, but it's just stupid to tell users that they shouldn't make a thread if there has literally EVER been a thread with a similar topic. I made my "Is an album's influence overrated thread?" because, since I've been here, I haven't seen a single thread like that. And I'm not going to go dig one up from a year ago just so I can minimize the thread count, mainly because any other thread dealing with the same topic would probably address it in a much different light and posting at the end of an ancient post would likely cause my points to be buried in a sea of other comments. If the thread you intend to make is fairly similar to one that is currently popular on the boards, then no, the new thread shouldn't be made, but the majority of your examples are ridiculous.
  • #25
  • Posted: 02/05/2012 23:06
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same user, functionally the same topic. anyone else beginning to see the absurdity yet?
  • #26
  • Posted: 02/06/2012 00:19
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one would be filed under 'tracks' (admittedly it could have been named more specifically but w/e) and one would be filed under 'albums'. Unless you want to have whole genres stick to 1 thread?
  • #27
  • Posted: 02/06/2012 00:31
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purple wrote:


same user, functionally the same topic. anyone else beginning to see the absurdity yet?

They're also almost a full year apart. The second thread is no longer cluttering up any section of the forum that anyone will see, and no current user would ever just stumble upon it in a million years, so I don't think it's absurd at all that Chemical Smile would make a new thread if he wanted to continue talking about it.
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  • #28
  • Posted: 02/06/2012 01:50
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I see it but what can you do to herd cats?
Top 100 Greatest Music Albums by RFNAPLES
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Mr. Shankly
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  • #29
  • Posted: 02/06/2012 02:05
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HigherThanTheSun wrote:

When I joined this was my biggest problem with getting into the forums. When I started reading them it seemed like there was about 10 or so users that were very tight knit...

A lot of members on here haven't actually been here that long (I'd say maybe a year for some), so if you post here a lot, make a chart, comment on people's charts etc, you can become a major part of the community very quickly. As a resident veteran, I've seen it happen time and again. Old users go or spend less time here and new people come in. Again, welcome to both of you! Cool
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  • #30
  • Posted: 02/06/2012 10:16
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HigherThanTheSun wrote:

When I joined this was my biggest problem with getting into the forums. When I started reading them it seemed like there was about 10 or so users that were very tight knit...

I know, right? It IS a big problem.
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