Collection/Wishlist - options for CD, Vinyl, MP3/WAV?

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  • #1
  • Posted: 11/07/2016 06:47
  • Post subject: Collection/Wishlist - options for CD, Vinyl, MP3/WAV?
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I'm wondering if this would be helpful for anyone else too?

I'm using this site to refine and build my collection, and it would be useful to me to know if the album on my list is owned on Vinyl, CD, MP3/WAV, or any combination of those options.

The same would be useful for the Wishlist.

Would also be great if once an album is added to a Collection on a particular format, it simultaneously was taken off the Wishlist.
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  • #2
  • Posted: 11/07/2016 14:49
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Hi, thanks for the ideas. It's on the list to be able to record the release format for items in your collection/wishlist and this functionality will be added once the redesign is complete.

The idea about the collection/wish list is also on the radar as there's obviously a strong link between the two e.g. when you remove something from your wish list you could also be prompted if you want to add the album to your collection (a reciprocal function also needed if you are coming from the other end).
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  • #3
  • Posted: 01/26/2017 22:34
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I use my wish list as a "wish to listen to"; my "collection" is albums that I actually own (on vinyl or CD). For my "wish to buy" list, well, I have my charts, and what's not in my collection.

But, it would be great if I could have two separate wish lists, one for "Wish to listen to" and one for "Wish to own". Another great feature would be a way to gradiate (aka assign number values to) how much of wish it is, so that albums I really really want to listen to jump to the top of the list, above "meh, I'll get around to it eventually" albums. I currently have over 600 in my wish list. It would be great if I had a way to sort them.
Used to be sort of blind, now can sort of see
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  • #4
  • Posted: 01/26/2017 23:01
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Listmeister wrote:
It would be great if I had a way to sort them.

You can already do this - if you go to your wishlist there's a "add a priority and note" link. It's kind of hard to see though, it's right above the "remove from wish list" link.
And it's hard to be a human being. And it's harder as anything else.
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  • #5
  • Posted: 01/29/2017 09:29
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Listmeister wrote:
I use my wish list as a "wish to listen to"; my "collection" is albums that I actually own (on vinyl or CD). For my "wish to buy" list, well, I have my charts, and what's not in my collection.

But, it would be great if I could have two separate wish lists, one for "Wish to listen to" and one for "Wish to own". Another great feature would be a way to gradiate (aka assign number values to) how much of wish it is, so that albums I really really want to listen to jump to the top of the list, above "meh, I'll get around to it eventually" albums. I currently have over 600 in my wish list. It would be great if I had a way to sort them.

One thing I have been toying with is to allow users to create custom collections for items they'd like to keep track of (as there are probably other variations that people could use) and maybe this could be an application here. As mentioned in the previous post, prioritisation already exists (albeit this feature needs to be easier to find).
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