A method for rating your albums

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Segnahc Reve4
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  • #1
  • Posted: 10/31/2013 23:27
  • Post subject: A method for rating your albums
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Do you guys have a method for rating your albums in your charts so that its ranking and rating match across multiple of your charts?

Here is the problem: I often find that after rating an album that appears in multiple of my charts, sometimes the same album will rank lower than another album with a lower rating in another chart. I need to figure out a more objective method, i.e. something based on more objective criteria, for rating them so that as my rating changes I can move the album up/down cross multiple charts consistently based on my new rating. Makes sense? Anyway, let me know if you have any ideas.
  • #2
  • Posted: 10/31/2013 23:31
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I rate whatever I like and do what works best for me! There is no reason over this end! Smile
Thread Killah

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  • #3
  • Posted: 10/31/2013 23:57
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I try to keep track in excel, but it doesn't always work out for me.
If We Make It We Can All Sit Back and Laugh
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  • #4
  • Posted: 11/01/2013 00:10
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I have an average album rating of 92. I'm not sure what that says about how I rate albums, except maybe that I just grade very easily. If I love an album, it usually gets 95 or 100. 90 for great albums, but not necessarily in love with. Usually if I rate an album below 90, I thought it was just good or average. There are a few special turds that I've given really low ratings though.

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  • #5
  • Posted: 11/01/2013 00:13
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I had the same problem, so I decided to change all my ratings to be more precise, but it was taking so much time and it was so painfully boring that I finally decided to delete them all. I don't know if I'll ever rate something again. I'll see.
Segnahc Reve4
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  • #6
  • Posted: 11/01/2013 00:37
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drakonium wrote:
I had the same problem, so I decided to change all my ratings to be more precise, but it was taking so much time and it was so painfully boring that I finally decided to delete them all. I don't know if I'll ever rate something again. I'll see.

I thought of the same thing initially. Then I decided that I will reset all of my album ratings to 50 to start with until I figure out a consistent cross multiple charts rating/ranking system. What I basically want to achieve in the end is that my best of list is derived from my best of decade lists which are in turn derived from by best of yearly lists.
  • #7
  • Posted: 11/01/2013 03:41
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5 if I feel I couldn't get past the first 15 minutes.
30 if I made it halfway before getting bored, depending on the length of the album.
60 if I listened to the whole thing.
90 if I've given multiple listens or expect to give multiple listens.
95 if I consider it a favorite of mine.
100 if I feel it has become a significant part of me.

There are variables. Basically re-rating things because my current feeling may be different than before. I should re-check my ratings. My average should be much lower, but I tend to forget about things I've not liked anyway, and I guess I prefer that..
  • #8
  • Posted: 11/01/2013 03:53
  • Post subject: Re: A method for rating your albums
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NickVolos wrote:
Do you guys have a method for rating your albums in your charts so that its ranking and rating match across multiple of your charts?

I try to be somewhat consistent, but I don't put as much effort into the ratings, as I personally don't find them to be very useful. There's so much variability in the temperament and experience of those doing the rating... I'd rather go off individual charts of users whose taste I can connect with. My rating system is similar to The Poe's, though.
Segnahc Reve4
Gender: Male

Location: Land of the Argonauts, Centaurs and other such creatures
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  • #9
  • Posted: 11/01/2013 05:29
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The Poe wrote:
5 if I feel I couldn't get past the first 15 minutes.
30 if I made it halfway before getting bored, depending on the length of the album.
60 if I listened to the whole thing.
90 if I've given multiple listens or expect to give multiple listens.
95 if I consider it a favorite of mine.
100 if I feel it has become a significant part of me.

There are variables. Basically re-rating things because my current feeling may be different than before. I should re-check my ratings. My average should be much lower, but I tend to forget about things I've not liked anyway, and I guess I prefer that..

Not bad. It is a method at least that you follow. One thing I don't like about it, is that is based linearly on time; what happens if the first 15 minutes are really bad but the last 30 are really good for instance. I am leaning towards a method that will require evaluation of all of the album tracks.
  • #10
  • Posted: 11/01/2013 06:33
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NickVolos wrote:
what happens if the first 15 minutes are really bad but the last 30 are really good for instance.

I've never had that situation. I am trying to think of one, though. I guess if the album breaks my enjoyment with inconsistent tracks, I tend to put it down and listen to something else. I think I want the flow to stay constant... I'm not sure if I'm making sense. I don't judge albums track by track, although sometimes I do have a favorite one. I think that's why my system works for me.
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