Bad Witch (studio album) by Nine Inch Nails
Nine Inch Nails bestography
Bad Witch is ranked 9th best out of 23 albums by Nine Inch Nails on
The best album by Nine Inch Nails is The Downward Spiral which is ranked number 151 in the list of all-time albums with a total rank score of 9,981.
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Bad Witch track list
The tracks on this album have an average rating of 78 out of 100 (all tracks have been rated).
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Bad Witch ratings
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.
Showing latest 5 ratings for this album. | Show all 149 ratings for this album.
Rating | Date updated | Member | Album ratings | Avg. album rating |
10/08/2024 07:35 | cicadelic | 7,636 | 73/100 | |
10/08/2024 02:58 | ExTeaSea | 4,691 | 83/100 | |
09/27/2024 20:28 | bcc | 852 | 67/100 | |
09/09/2024 17:39 | VINYLGUY7788 | 351 | 88/100 | |
06/17/2024 20:56 | POWER18 | 282 | 97/100 |
Rating metrics:
Outliers can be removed when calculating a mean average to dampen the effects of ratings outside the normal distribution. This figure is provided as the trimmed mean. A high standard deviation can be legitimate, but can sometimes indicate 'gaming' is occurring. Consider a simplified example* of an item receiving ratings of 100, 50, & 0. The mean average rating would be 50. However, ratings of 55, 50 & 45 could also result in the same average. The second average might be more trusted because there is more consensus around a particular rating (a lower deviation).
(*In practice, some albums can have several thousand ratings)
This album has a Bayesian average rating of 73.2/100, a mean average of 72.5/100, and a trimmed mean (excluding outliers) of 73.2/100. The standard deviation for this album is 13.6.
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Bad Witch comments
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Feb20. 'Shit Mirror' is a pretty cool start to the album. It apparently features The Cult's Ian Astbury, but his voice is so hidden in the mix there is no way I would have picked it without reading it was there. 'Ahead of Ourselves' is a little repetitive, but sounds like older NIN with a drum loop, programmed music that kicks into gear for an abrasive chorus.
I have no idea how to describe the instrumental 'Play the Goddamned Part' other than to say it sounds like a building piece from a soundtrack. And the saxophone was a surprise. The start of 'God Break Down the Door' starts as some techno, drum and bass mix, and if it was not NIN I'd have skipped from the start. As it was, it did not really grab me. Different though, as they mix saxophone and Reznor sings in a 'lounge' voice. A little late guitar makes the song more interesting.
'I'm Not of this World' sounds like some futuristic machine has just been left on and recorded. 'Over and Out' starts as an upbeat electronic track, that again, if this was not a NIN album I would skip. The slow, David Bowie inspired vocals did not do it for me, but I am sure that is the appeal for other listeners. In all, these last 2 tracks are too long. This is actually my least favourite album of the trilogy. 2/5
Trent at the most raw and poignant he's been since Year Zero. Great release.
best thing trent's done in years
A lot better than I was expecting. The instrumental sections are genuinely interesting.
The best of the recent EPs, this is a beautifully realised collection of songs which sustain a singular mood pretty well. It feels more like a short album (which is kind of what it's being marketed as, and I'm fine with that descriptor). 'God Break Down the Door' is my favourite thing they've done for a while, possibly because it sounds a LOT like Bowie's Blackstar. Shit Mirror is also killer.
Reznor’s EPs have been pretty solid thus far and this is the best of the lot, i can’t remember the last time NIN sounded so in your face and aggressive. This series has been a real rejuvenation project spanning a few years and it’s reached a head with their best release in at least 13 years.
I feel this album is one that need's a few listens before a final consensus, but right now this is really great stuff. This is NIN probably at their best since The Fragile. It's a noise rock version of Blackstar basically and I'm all here for it.
God Break Down The Door and Ahead of Ourselves are awesome
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