Van Halen
The best album credited to Van Halen is Van Halen which is ranked number 374 in the overall greatest album chart with a total rank score of 4,741.
Van Halen is ranked number 206 in the overall artist rankings with a total rank score of 10,235.
Van Halen official website:
- Members: N.B. The member list may not contain a full list of members (and there may be notable omissions). If a member has never released a solo album, or their solo albums do not appear on BEA, they will not be able to be listed as a member. These omissions are not meant to cause offense to anybody. The member list is solely meant as an additional navigation aid to browse between the items listed on the site.
- David Lee Roth
- Sammy Hagar
- See also:
- Sammy Hagar & The Wabos
Condition: Used
Condition: New
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Van Halen best albums
The following albums by Van Halen are ranked highest in the greatest album charts:
This chart is currently filtered to only show albums from the 1970s. (Remove this filter)
This may not be a complete discography for Van Halen.This listing only shows those albums by this artist that appear in at least one chart on this site. If an album is 'missing' that you think deserves to be here, you can include it in your own chart from the My Charts page!
Van Halen bestography composition
Decade | Albums | % | |
1930s | 0 | 0% | |
1940s | 0 | 0% | |
1950s | 0 | 0% | |
1960s | 0 | 0% | |
1970s | 2 | 0% | |
1980s | 6 | 0% | |
1990s | 5 | 0% | |
2000s | 1 | 0% | |
2010s | 2 | 0% | |
2020s | 0 | 0% |
Van Halen best tracks
Include tracks from compilations & live albums | Exclude tracks from compilations & live albums The same track can appear on multiple albums, so excluding tracks from compilations and live albums helps to remove duplicates from this list.
Van Halen ratings
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.
Showing latest 5 ratings for this artist. | Show all 119 ratings for this artist.
Rating | Date updated | Member | Artist ratings | Avg. artist rating |
06/04/2024 06:47 | zsolti | 185 | 81/100 | |
09/23/2023 10:09 | Stevo796 | 980 | 74/100 | |
09/12/2023 09:45 | MaxStorm98 | 542 | 92/100 | |
05/02/2023 02:33 | JPin8497 | 12 | 92/100 | |
03/06/2023 22:47 | alexandermause | 49 | 90/100 |
Rating metrics:
Outliers can be removed when calculating a mean average to dampen the effects of ratings outside the normal distribution. This figure is provided as the trimmed mean. A high standard deviation can be legitimate, but can sometimes indicate 'gaming' is occurring. Consider a simplified example* of an item receiving ratings of 100, 50, & 0. The mean average rating would be 50. However, ratings of 55, 50 & 45 could also result in the same average. The second average might be more trusted because there is more consensus around a particular rating (a lower deviation).
(*In practice, some artists can have several thousand ratings)
This artist has a Bayesian average rating of 75.1/100, a mean average of 73.3/100, and a trimmed mean (excluding outliers) of 75.1/100. The standard deviation for this artist is 20.2.
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Van Halen favourites
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Van Halen comments
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I don't like david lee roth, but eddy more than makes up for this. Their music is a bit cheesy, and I can't take myself seriously listening to them, but god damn, they might just have the greatest rock guitarist ever (besides hendrix)
Being the grandfathers of the LA hair metal scene doesn’t do the band justice. Sure, they begat the blondish bombastic frontman and the harmonic/semiharmonic-chiming guitar solos, but in their prime of 1978 to 1981, no band rocked harder than VH.
Had arguably the greatest guitarist in rock history whose innovations on the axe provided the blueprint for a thousand lesser players. Eddie’s rhythm guitar work is so vastly underrated that no one discusses in any forum. Rhythm section was stout with Michael Anthony and Alex Van Halen and Eddie and Michael provided overlooked harmonies on many great songs.
Early studio work is almost a joke as they spent fewer than two weeks recording each of their first three albums. Women and Children First was recorded in 6 days and includes many humorous “errors” during production easily heard upon a closer listen.
Party atmosphere on first two studio albums gives way to a darker, richer sound on WandCF and especially Fair Warning and on older songs on 1984 (Drop Dead Legs and House of Pain).
Don’t bother with the commercial stylings of recordings with Sammy Hagar.
Probably one of the most influential bands in ruining mainstream rock and roll.
Some talented musicians often playing sophomoic/juvenile songs. All too often, more flash than substance. Fun on occasion, but hardly sustainable. Personally, I'll take Hagar over Roth any day. That supposed five octave range is only because of his screaming and theres a big gap between what he sings and what he screams, so theres a chunk of that range is missing.
The first Roth era is legitimately excellent stuff with consistent albums. Roth has a 5 1/2 octave range, so I don't get why people knock him for his vocal ability. Him and Eddie in their primes were the thunder. 1984, Women and Children First and their debut are great albums. All their songs then were messy and unfocused and sounded like they could collapse at any moment (but in a good way than only Van Halen could do).
Van Hagar had some good songs, but never any consistent good albums.
My favorite band at one point, VH will always have a place in my favorites, they had a great run with DLR with a string of classic albums on which they showed their ability to write great songs, reinvent themselves, and maintain consistently great musicianship. With DLR, they only had two bad albums (II, Diver Down)
Van Halen with DLRoth = 90
Van Hagar = 25
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I am a huge fan of the original lineup. I believe their debut is one of the best albums of all time. Van Halen II, And Women and Children First have some great songs but I prefer the Fair Warning and Diver Down. With 1984 they blew up and broke up. They were very much of their time.
Van Halen is one of the most influential rock bands of their time. Of course that means without Van Halen there probably wouldn't have been that god awful hair metal scene throughout the 80's. However, I forgive them for that because I enjoy their work with Roth and a number of tracks from the Hagar era. Very talented band with a couple classic albums.
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