Top 100 Greatest Music Albums by WindowAbove
one album per artist
- Chart updated: 01/01/2017 17:15
- (Created: 02/07/2014 15:39).
- Chart size: 100 albums.
The user that created this chart is banned. This chart does not count towards the overall rankings.
There are 43 comments for this chart from members and Top 100 Greatest Music Albums has an average rating of 90 out of 100 (from 61 votes). Please log in or register to leave a comment or assign a rating.
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This chart is currently filtered to only show albums from Agalloch. (Remove this filter)
[First added to this chart: 05/09/2014]
Total albums: 1. Page 1 of 1
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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums composition
Decade | Albums | % | |
1930s | 0 | 0% | |
1940s | 0 | 0% | |
1950s | 0 | 0% | |
1960s | 1 | 1% | |
1970s | 5 | 5% | |
1980s | 5 | 5% | |
1990s | 30 | 30% | |
2000s | 33 | 33% | |
2010s | 26 | 26% | |
2020s | 0 | 0% |
Artist | Albums | % | |
Danny Brown | 1 | 1% | |
Agalloch | 1 | 1% | |
Yo La Tengo | 1 | 1% | |
David Bowie | 1 | 1% | |
Tim Hecker | 1 | 1% | |
Deftones | 1 | 1% | |
Elliott Smith | 1 | 1% | |
Show all |
Country | Albums | % | |
68 | 68% | ||
17 | 17% | ||
6 | 6% | ||
2 | 2% | ||
2 | 2% | ||
2 | 2% | ||
2 | 2% | ||
Show all |
Top 100 Greatest Music Albums chart changes
Leavers |
Tetsuo & Youth by Lupe Fiasco |
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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums similarity to your chart(s)
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Other overall charts by WindowAbove
Title | Source | Type | Published | Country |
Top 100 Greatest Music Albums | WindowAbove | 2017 |
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Best Artists of the 2000s | |
1. Radiohead | |
2. Arcade Fire | |
3. The Strokes | |
4. Coldplay | |
5. Sufjan Stevens | |
6. Arctic Monkeys | |
7. Muse | |
8. Animal Collective | |
9. Wilco | |
10. The White Stripes | |
11. Kanye West | |
12. Phil Elverum | |
13. Interpol | |
14. Modest Mouse | |
15. Queens Of The Stone Age | |
16. Madvillain | |
17. LCD Soundsystem | |
18. Godspeed You! Black Emperor | |
19. The National | |
20. The Flaming Lips |