Top 5 Music Albums of 2011 by Exist-en-ciel

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Singer-Songwriter, Art Rock, Folk Rock


Track selection: The Glorious Land


1. Let England Shake 8.5
2. The Last Living Rose 8.5
3. The Glorious Land 8.5
4. The Words That Maketh Murder 8.5
5. All and Everyone 8
6. On Battleship Hill 8.5
7. England 8
8. In the Dark Places 8.5
9. Bitter Branches 8
10. Hanging in the Wire 8
11. Written on the Forehead 8
12. The Colour of the Earth 8
[First added to this chart: 12/21/2024]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 2011:
Rank in 2010s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
Total albums: 1. Page 1 of 1

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Top 5 Music Albums of 2011 composition

Artist Albums %

PJ Harvey 1 20%
Radiohead 1 20%
Kendrick Lamar 1 20%
Julia Holter 1 20%
Björk 1 20%
Country Albums %

United States 2 40%
United Kingdom 2 40%
Iceland 1 20%

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(from the 2010s)
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Top 5 Music Albums of 2011Exist-en-ciel2011 year chart2024
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Best Ever Artists
1. The Beatles
2. Radiohead
3. Pink Floyd
4. David Bowie
5. Bob Dylan
6. Led Zeppelin
7. The Rolling Stones
8. Arcade Fire
9. The Velvet Underground
10. Nirvana
11. Kendrick Lamar
12. Neil Young
13. The Smiths
14. Miles Davis
15. The Beach Boys
16. Kanye West
17. R.E.M.
18. Pixies
19. Jimi Hendrix
20. Bruce Springsteen
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