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Best Albums of the 2000s
1. In Rainbows by Radiohead
2. Kid A by Radiohead
3. Funeral by Arcade Fire
4. Is This It by The Strokes
5. Illinois by Sufjan Stevens
6. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco
7. Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not by Arctic Monkeys
8. Madvillainy by Madvillain
9. Turn On The Bright Lights by Interpol
10. Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
11. Sound Of Silver by LCD Soundsystem
12. A Rush Of Blood To The Head by Coldplay
13. Elephant by The White Stripes
14. For Emma, Forever Ago by Bon Iver
15. Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips
16. Songs For The Deaf by Queens Of The Stone Age
17. Fleet Foxes by Fleet Foxes
18. Amnesiac by Radiohead
19. Demon Days by Gorillaz
20. Discovery by Daft Punk
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