Best Albums of the 1990s

Listed below are the best albums of the 1990s as calculated from their overall rankings in over 55,000 greatest album charts.

Best albums by year or decade
1990s decade summary
YearAlbums The number of albums from each year featuring in the greatest album charts. Score Total rank score for each year (made up of the total rank score from all albums in that year) Top Ranked Album The top ranked album from each year and where it ranks in the overall chart.
Year 1990Albums The number of albums from each year featuring in the greatest album charts. 2,948Score Total rank score for each year (made up of the total rank score from all albums in that year) 132,468Top Ranked Album The top ranked album from each year and where it ranks in the overall chart.
Year 1991Albums The number of albums from each year featuring in the greatest album charts. 3,037Score Total rank score for each year (made up of the total rank score from all albums in that year) 249,688Top Ranked Album The top ranked album from each year and where it ranks in the overall chart.
Year 1992Albums The number of albums from each year featuring in the greatest album charts. 3,172Score Total rank score for each year (made up of the total rank score from all albums in that year) 166,216Top Ranked Album The top ranked album from each year and where it ranks in the overall chart.
Year 1993Albums The number of albums from each year featuring in the greatest album charts. 3,371Score Total rank score for each year (made up of the total rank score from all albums in that year) 186,739Top Ranked Album The top ranked album from each year and where it ranks in the overall chart.
Year 1994Albums The number of albums from each year featuring in the greatest album charts. 3,628Score Total rank score for each year (made up of the total rank score from all albums in that year) 277,065Top Ranked Album The top ranked album from each year and where it ranks in the overall chart.
Year 1995Albums The number of albums from each year featuring in the greatest album charts. 3,900Score Total rank score for each year (made up of the total rank score from all albums in that year) 210,646Top Ranked Album The top ranked album from each year and where it ranks in the overall chart.
Year 1996Albums The number of albums from each year featuring in the greatest album charts. 4,050Score Total rank score for each year (made up of the total rank score from all albums in that year) 180,586Top Ranked Album The top ranked album from each year and where it ranks in the overall chart.
Year 1997Albums The number of albums from each year featuring in the greatest album charts. 4,246Score Total rank score for each year (made up of the total rank score from all albums in that year) 248,307Top Ranked Album The top ranked album from each year and where it ranks in the overall chart.
Year 1998Albums The number of albums from each year featuring in the greatest album charts. 4,277Score Total rank score for each year (made up of the total rank score from all albums in that year) 189,515Top Ranked Album The top ranked album from each year and where it ranks in the overall chart.
Year 1999Albums The number of albums from each year featuring in the greatest album charts. 4,469Score Total rank score for each year (made up of the total rank score from all albums in that year) 177,613Top Ranked Album The top ranked album from each year and where it ranks in the overall chart.
Year TotalAlbums The number of albums from each year featuring in the greatest album charts. 37,098Score Total rank score for each year (made up of the total rank score from all albums in that year) 2,018,843Top Ranked Album The top ranked album from each year and where it ranks in the overall chart.

The best artists of the 1990s were Radiohead, Nirvana, The Smashing Pumpkins, Neutral Milk Hotel, Oasis, My Bloody Valentine, Pearl Jam, R.E.M., Nick Cave and Weezer.
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Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1996:
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Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1993:
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Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1999:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
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Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1995:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1993:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1994:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1990:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1992:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1992:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1990:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
Total albums: 1,000. Page 100 of 100

Best Albums of the 1990s composition

Year Albums %

1990 86 9%
1991 82 8%
1992 101 10%
1993 109 11%
1994 127 13%
1995 111 11%
1996 110 11%
1997 94 9%
1998 95 10%
1999 85 9%
Artist Albums %

Blur 6 1%
The Flaming Lips 6 1%
Suede 5 1%
Beck 5 1%
Pavement 5 1%
Stereolab 5 1%
Radiohead 5 1%
Show all
Country Albums %

United States 540 54%
United Kingdom 262 26%
Canada 44 4%
Mixed Nationality 26 3%
Australia 22 2%
Sweden 16 2%
Japan 14 1%
Show all
Compilation? Albums %
No 985 99%
Yes 15 2%
Live? Albums %
No 980 98%
Yes 20 2%
Soundtrack? Albums %
No 989 99%
Yes 11 1%
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