Top 65 Music Albums of the 1990s by meruizh

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A few years back my Radiohead discovery experienced continues, I've gone through The Bends, Ok Computer was next. I seriously didn't know what to expect about this album, but the result wasn't what I expected.

The album starts with "Airbag", something about this song that feel incredibly refreshing, you feel some kind of relief. It's a weird kind of an uplifting song, without it having any of the characteristics of one.
Right after this killer opener you get "Paranoid Android", which may not only qualify as one of Radiohead's best, but as one of the best songs ever. It's not my favorite song of the album, but it's just incredible. You get the feeling of being safe, without a problem in your life, when suddenly it attacks you out of nowhere. It's a song about fearing for your safety while all the time remaining true to yourself and taking comfort in that.

"Subterrean Homesick Alien" it's a song about alienation, not being comprehended by the World. You feel like a stranger with your own friends.
You want to show them your vision but they'll just cut you out. "I'd show them the stars and the meaning of life. They'd shut me away, but I'd be all right all right.."

"Exit Music (For A Film)" is the movie love story, the forbidden love. You want to fight your oppressors to finally embrace your love peacefully. It's like a Romeo and Juliet story. You get drowned in hate to others, you just want to be left alone. The 3:21 marks one of the most incredible moments in the album. "We hope that you choke, that you choke".

"Let Down" Beautiful, haunting, affecting, powerful, thematically dense, lyrically insightful. Another of Radiohead's greatest. Although the lyrics make seem sad, the song it's incredibly relieving. It's like being stuck in traffic for hours, you feel the pain, the sorrow of being there. As the minutes pass you see the light at the end of the tunnel, you know comfort lays ahead, happiness is on the way.

Ok, now with "Karma Police" I have to take a minute to appreciate what's happening. Although it is a cliche choice, for many years this was my all time favorite song. But it's fucking amazing. One of my greatest memories of my lifetime came in my second Radiohead concert, I've never heard this song live. When they started playing it, I almost cried. The song was played and it was an incredible experience, the band started preparing for the next song, when 60,000 people started singing "For a minute there, I lost myself". To get to feel those 60,000 voices screaming their heart out, with Thom Yorke taking the microphone and joining the crowd.. my heart skips a beat.

"Fitter Happier".... I love this lyric "Fond but not in Love"

"Electioneering" Thom Yorke get all political. It's a good song to move around, to pretend you are a rockstar blaming the whole World from your problems.

"Climbing Up the Walls" One of the most insidious and sinister songs on the album that's musically and lyrically incredibly dark and bleak. It a hell of a scary song, I feel terrified throughout the whole song, an uneasy kind of feeling.

"No Surprises" Is one of the most existential and despairing songs on the album. It's a slow killer filled with sad emotions but a many time the ugly reality. "A handshake of carbon monoxide"

"Lucky" makes you want to escape again, you are feeling annoyed by everything; I want to get out, experience freedom. You just need a hand to get out of your misery."Pull me out of the air-crash. Pull me out of the wake"

"The Tourist" the final ride, the last bite when you are full. It's a reflective closer, like watching from the other side of the window. You see the World crumbling around, but there's nothing you can do. Just sit there and watch.

In conclusion there are not enough words to explain what this album means to me.It's mental, insane, its gets you to scream, smile, cry, forget about life for a while. Beauty could be a word that describes the album.
[First added to this chart: 12/24/2013]
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I think this is one of the most solid works made in music. It's an amazing trip, since the first song Mysterons, you know these guys got something special. I saw them live in 2011 and it has been one of the most special gigs I've been in my life. The connection between the audience and the band is incredible. If you ever get the chance to see them, go for it, life-worthy experience

It's hard to explain what sort stuff I feel while listening to this album. The first thing it comes to mind is "Sexy". This album is the sexiest thing out there. You feel seduced by Beth Gibbons voice throughout every second of the album. Listening to this, in a cold rainy night with not much in mind, the picture of a women in love, in struggle, in need to be hold.

This album is more than just music is a complete fantasy.
[First added to this chart: 12/24/2013]
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What can I say about my dear friends Oasis. They started like fucking gods, and ended up being simply human beings. But this album has its fucking amazing, seriously y a work of art, better than having watching porn and having sex (well… maybe not that much). It is a disgrace that every single album that came after What’s the Story Morning Glory went so low in every term
[First added to this chart: 12/24/2013]
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I think in general I’m not a fan of the grunge movement or the bands at all. But then there is Nirvana, which is one of my favorites all time bands. Does it make sense? No, it doesn’t do, and I think that is what makes the band and this particular album one of the most brilliant things ever done. Every time I want to jump or scream, if I’m depressed or angry, I feel completed related to the album (in utero is a masterpiece too). Believe it or not, Nirvana helps me with my introspective self, my ideas flow while listening to Nirvana, and feel so calm after the album ends.
[First added to this chart: 12/24/2013]
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I have to thank my cousin for introducing Radiohead to me. Simply talking about music, he mentioned Radiohead as his favorite band. I had no clue who they were, I just kind of knew the famous Creep. He kept insisting to give them a shot, so I said why not.. It’s was The Bends the first album I purchased of Radiohead. It was from Planet Telex, followed by The Bends, High and Dry….. I just thought, FUCK!! These guys are just MONUMENTAL!! I’ve never experience something like that. Radiohead changed my way of perceiving music. Its a completely new world, which few understand, but if you ever get to know it, it is……. don’t know lol
[First added to this chart: 12/24/2013]
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I think its was 2010 the first time I listened to Agaes Byrjun, it was my phase of experimental-out of the box music (slint, Godspeed, Mogwai, etc) Sigur Ros was my first try at this type of music, at first I was like what a hell are these guy are singing about… then i realized it didn’t really matter, some times the lyrics is not an important element in music. Sometime you have to imagine what the song about in your head, let yourself go with it. Sigur Ros set their universe, you just have to play with it
[First added to this chart: 12/24/2013]
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If I have to define my childhood somehow, I will put blink 182 in top of my list. I just couldnt go a day without listening to a blink 182 album and not going crazy about it. In 2004 I saw them live, I was 13 years old, one of my first real gigs, and everything about it was amazing. I can say every single album after Enema of the State is wonderful, but if I have to choose one album in particular, this is it. Sure, they might not show the emotional depth of other bands like Green Day, but they have some brilliant tunes, speedy that make you want to jump and dance. This album or any other blink 182 album wont change anyone's life, but it will always be a big part of it.
[First added to this chart: 12/24/2013]
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It’s one of the saddest and depressing albums I’ve ever listened in my life, add to that that one of music greatest, Kurt Cobain, killed himself listening to this masterpiece. Nightswimming its a good example of what the album is about. R.E.M changed the music World, along with The Smiths, Pixies, etc. they created indie music, and every single band, every single one, its influenced by them.
[First added to this chart: 12/24/2013]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1992:
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Average Rating:
9. (=)
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My obsession with blur began 3 years ago. The first thing I listened too was the Best of Blur album, you know just to get the idea, or if they were worth the time to listen to their seven albums. Parklife was the first album I bought of them, and finally understtok why they were a huge music movement back in the 90’s, at least in the UK (USA people need to appreciate them). They influenced every single British act afterwards. The big difference with Oasis, they evolved, created new music, and aimed higher.
[First added to this chart: 12/24/2013]
Year of Release:
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I gave you a huge speech about my feelings about Oasis in the comments of “What the Story Morning Glory”. Definitely Maybe, its arguable as good or even better than its successor. I hate the fact, they went to shit. But as the great Noel Gallagher said. "Do you accept that nothing you do can be as big as Oasis? Absolutely, nothing anybody does can be as big? as Oasis. Not Coldplay, not Kasabian, not the Arctic Monkeys, in this country, not U2, not any of them. It's as simple as that…. We were the last, we were the greatest, THE END."
[First added to this chart: 12/24/2013]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1994:
Rank in 1990s:
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Total albums: 65. Page 1 of 7

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Top 65 Music Albums of the 1990s composition

Year Albums %

1990 4 6%
1991 9 14%
1992 4 6%
1993 3 5%
1994 10 15%
1995 5 8%
1996 3 5%
1997 9 14%
1998 8 12%
1999 10 15%
Artist Albums %

Blur 5 8%
Radiohead 3 5%
Oasis 3 5%
Sparklehorse 2 3%
Godspeed You! Black Emperor 2 3%
Pulp 2 3%
Portishead 2 3%
Show all
Country Albums %

United Kingdom 32 49%
United States 25 38%
France 2 3%
Canada 2 3%
Iceland 1 2%
Sweden 1 2%
Denmark 1 2%
Show all
Compilation? Albums %
No 61 94%
Yes 4 6%

Top 65 Music Albums of the 1990s chart changes

Biggest climbers
Climber Up 1 from 61st to 60th
Gold (Greatest Hits)
Climber Up 1 from 60th to 59th
Cross Road
by Bon Jovi
Climber Up 1 from 59th to 58th
The Great Escape
by Blur
Biggest fallers
Faller Down 3 from 58th to 61st
Dog Man Star
by Suede

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Top 100 Music Albums of the 2010s by meruizh (2015)
Top 100 Music Albums of the 2000s by meruizh (2015)

Top 65 Music Albums of the 1990s ratings

Average Rating: 
85/100 (from 2 votes)
  Ratings distributionRatings distribution Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

N.B. The average rating for this chart will not be reliable as it has been rated very few times.

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05/25/2014 23:31 Bach  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 94678/100
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01/28/2014 21:21 sssvnnn  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 2,83583/100

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From 03/09/2015 21:22
me encantaron tus notas, sabes expresar muy bien tus sentimientos...
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From 01/28/2014 21:21
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