Top 31 Music Albums of the 2000s by GandalfORiley345 Unknown

I born in 2000, so, this is my decade no?? Xd, I´ve been notice a Little alternativa music change compared to the Antique decades, maybe an incredible technical power that weren´t Heard in another decades. In my opinion this decade has, practically, The New Beatles, and it´s name is… Radiohead, technically all the albums from Radiohead are masterpieces, and they completely domine this decade, maybe no t as the best, but they have it, and how forget Arcade Fire, 2 incredible albums in 6 years, how many people consider Arcade Fire and Radiohead the greatest bands of all time, maybe half ofthe real rockers, and the last one, Wilco
Now, let´s seethe chart, it will be incredible if someone can recomend me something in the comments. Sooooo, ENJOY!!!

PD: I´m wasting my mind writing about the albums, If you don´t want to read I´ll understand, but try to consider it please

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Seconds, minutes, hours, Days!!! of listening to different albums just to listen to Yankee, how good is this album??, pufff you don´t know, is an incredible combination of technical masterpieces songs with sad, dark, strange, beautiful lyrics, from the opening the most creative combination of sounds ever listened to the simply close that makes you feel like you revived, 2 times, nothing like soft sounds, creative reasons to write, and obviously, great songs

Best song: I Am Trying to Break Your Heart
Worst song: Poor Places (still incredible song but I think is the wickest)
[First added to this chart: 05/24/2014]
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I think most of the people has listen about this album, or should have listen it, this is maybe the most lovely album of the 2000s (or at least what I´ve listened), and obviously, the easiest to love, too beautiful too creative, too lovely, too realist, could be one of the greatest ever made, but after decide, let´s listen to everything, remembering this masterpiece

Best song: Wake Up
Worst song: Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
[First added to this chart: 05/24/2014]
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This is another level, this is a different thing, this is RADIOHEAD, the sickest and strangest one, all the things I could listen in this were incredible, and still incredible, songs like All I Need and Videotape are just perfect, in the most dark and negative way that I can say, from the funny and movily beginning to the darkest close ever made, this album diserves overrating by the underground music fans (and the alternative lovers)

Best song: Videotape
Worst song: Faust Arp
[First added to this chart: 05/24/2014]
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4. (=)
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Do you want to listen to the most electronic album that deserves in Rolling Stone´s top 500 albums at 67?? Well, do it, the album that changes Radiohead´s history is fully electronic, strange, and completely negative, with sad chorus and scary slow sounds, with every instrument in that you have Heard (and the ones you don´t know), it don´t care how many albums Radiohead did, this should be the one you have to listen before you die

Best song: How to Dissapear Completely (And Never Be Found Again)
Worst song: Kid A (instrumental, that´s why)
[First added to this chart: 05/24/2014]
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It think is enough saying that this is the album that saved rock, when all the rock was nothing, these 5 whatevers make an album with a very pleasant cover art in, and, incredibly Works in the case of songs, we can´t say anything in it´s negative, you just have to listen the intro to know this album is an incredible experience, is this it?? Yes it is

Best song: Barely Legal
Worst song: New York City Cops
[First added to this chart: 05/24/2014]
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The first album listened from Kasabain is incredible, technically art work is awesome, lyrics are beautiful and really creative, this album really can be one of the bests of the decade, it´s just incredible, completely well maked, well writed, well composed, excellent

Best song: Thick As Thieves
Worst song: Swarfiga
[First added to this chart: 06/04/2014]
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Which decade is this one, 2000s, so, even 20 years after U2 created they still making incredible albums, awesome? This one is not the best album by U2, there are more, completely peaceful and creative, the reason why this is not the best is because, coming from the other albums, this one is nothing, but still a great album by the superheroes band

Best song: Beautiful Day
Worst song: Grace
[First added to this chart: 05/24/2014]
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The second album by Arcade Fire is the last one in this decade, and no ´t say that is too good like Funeral, but Funeral is better by something, or nothing, this one is more negative, just for a few, and really tries to be more experimental and musically better than the first one and is, technically, better, but in the lyrics, nop, but without comparing, this album negative, creative, and good in most of the ways

Best song: My Body is a Cage
Worst song: Neon Bible
[First added to this chart: 05/24/2014]
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The Red Hot Chili Pepper´s masterpiece is completely happy, positive and creative, this album makes you erase Californication from your mind, you will deserve that this is one of the bests albums ever writen to make somebody happy, imaginative, and, over everything, feel good

Best song: Venice Queen
Worst song: On Mercury
[First added to this chart: 05/24/2014]
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Out coming from the typical sounds, this album takes to be the most electronic that Reznor ever made, he gives him time to create 16 different sounds (not the best creativity comparing each one) that every song dives to amaze people while listening, and he still singing sad, negative, creepy lyrics, mad agresive sounds, with crazy chorus and stranged way to sing, he´s been making the most unique music since decades, this album gives, simply, the best view of unique mental creativity

Best song: Survivalism
Worst song: Another Version of the Truth
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 2007:
Rank in 2000s:
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Average Rating:
Total albums: 31. Page 1 of 4

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Top 31 Music Albums of the 2000s composition

Year Albums %

2000 5 16%
2001 3 10%
2002 3 10%
2003 2 6%
2004 4 13%
2005 2 6%
2006 3 10%
2007 4 13%
2008 1 3%
2009 4 13%
Artist Albums %

Radiohead 4 13%
Coldplay 4 13%
Kasabian 3 10%
Arctic Monkeys 3 10%
Arcade Fire 2 6%
Green Day 2 6%
Blink-182 2 6%
Show all
Country Albums %

United Kingdom 15 48%
United States 11 35%
Canada 2 6%
Ireland 2 6%
Mixed Nationality 1 3%

Top 31 Music Albums of the 2000s chart changes

Biggest fallers
Faller Down 1 from 10th to 11th
by Radiohead
Faller Down 1 from 11th to 12th
How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
by U2
Faller Down 1 from 12th to 13th
by My Morning Jacket

Top 31 Music Albums of the 2000s similarity to your chart(s)

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Top 30 Music Albums of the 1970s by GandalfORiley345 (2014)
Top 22 Music Albums of the 1960s by GandalfORiley345 (2014)

Top 31 Music Albums of the 2000s ratings

Average Rating: 
86/100 (from 5 votes)
  Ratings distributionRatings distribution Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

N.B. The average rating for this chart will not be reliable as it has been rated very few times.

Showing all 5 ratings for this chart.

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RatingDate updatedMemberChart ratingsAvg. chart rating
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09/24/2014 06:34 joathome  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 17980/100
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06/17/2014 10:45 UnliveableWilts  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 4976/100
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06/04/2014 03:00 dougotto  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 3781/100
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06/03/2014 09:37 PauloPaz  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 1,76689/100
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05/25/2014 09:44 manueloliveira  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 589/100

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Top 31 Music Albums of the 2000s comments

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From 06/23/2014 07:13
YHF is the BOMB!
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From 06/17/2014 10:45
Interesting that you would say 'Kid A' is the worst song on 'Kid A' as, not only is it not an instrumental but that doesn't automatically make it bad anyway. Other than that a nice overall chart.
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From 05/25/2014 09:45
Great chart, having Wilco at he top and My Morning Jacket makes all the difference
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