Top 100 Music Albums of the 1970s by JamesMowbray

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[First added to this chart: 04/14/2018]
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[First added to this chart: 02/15/2017]
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[First added to this chart: 02/15/2017]
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Public Image Ltd.'s second record is even more removed from the sounds of the Sex Pistols than its predecessor, giving it the space it needed to become the defining post punk record of the late 70s, swapping out the Pistols' raucous energy for deep grooves and a paranoid, anxious atmosphere brought about by Lydon's wild lyrics and Levene's experimental guitar work. The original packaging of the metal box was meant to make it near impossible to take out any of the three records without causing some superficial damage, and this confrontational attitude towards audience expectations is even more extreme in the actual music.

10 minute opener 'Albatross' initially sounds fairly uptempo and upbeat with Jah Wobble's constant rhythmic bass line, but in a matter of seconds Keith Levene's guitar work shatters this atmosphere ushering in a more paranoid downbeat atmosphere, accentuated by the introduction of Lydon's vocals. The much slower weary delivery that Lydon delivers gives a sense of dread as opposed to the fun and angry energy it injected into the Pistols' best tracks. The vague lyrics such as "you are unbearable" and "I run away" capitalise on the uneasy spirit of the track. The huge length of 'Albatross' is perfect in allowing the listener to get to grips with this new musical landscape that carries for the rest of the album. As time passes the bass line becomes less and less regular sometimes speeding up to suddenly really build the intensity of the track, or slowing to build the sense of dread.

Album highlight 'Memories' follows this, once again the bass led first few seconds of the song have a very different feel to the rest of the track in an effect that never fails to be disorientating. The higher tempo and energy in the track conflicts perfectly with the massive 'Albatross', and the use of repetition in that track also builds the impact of the increasing instrumentation in the bridge of 'Memories', putting a lot of weight on the line "I could be wrong, it could be hate". The distressed vocals build a particularly negative atmosphere which really carves out the identity of most of PiL's music, but 'Metal Box' in particular. Like in 'Albatross' Levene's guitar creates a wall of sound at the end of the track giving the sense that the track has almost spontaneously fallen apart, fitting much more with the dark atmosphere of Metal Box than the more traditional fade out.

'Swan Lake' sees the introduction of a creeping bass line that builds with the rest of the instruments and vocals to create a swirl of paranoid noise, made all the more effective by the fragments of the original 'Swan Lake' played intermittently by Levene across the track. The disturbing atmosphere fits the subject matter of the lyrics completely, with Lydon singing about his dying mother with particularly dark lines such as "Watching her slowly die, saw it in her eyes, choking on a bed, flowers rotting dead". The outro of a synth looped with the final line "words can not express" closes out the track in an appropriately jarring fashion.

After two faster and shorter tracks 'Poptones' is more reminiscent of the slower, repetitive nature of the opener. Once again a strong and steady bass line is put in place from the start with the wild combination of Levene's guitar and Lydon's vocals bringing in the chaotic downbeat atmosphere. The heavy use of cymbals in the drumming also adds to the chaotic sense of confusion on the track. Once again the subject matter of the track is particularly disturbing with the track being written about a kidnapping and sexual assault in which the victim had been left in the woods. The vocals give way for long instrumental breaks so that when Lydon's lyrics do return you're left hanging on his every word.

'Careering' keeps up the vicious atmosphere with a dark drone sound interrupted by a scream. The guitar is notably absent making way for the much longer, more abstract drones that define the track. The especially monotone vocal delivery gives further focus again on the lyrical content, and whilst the lyrics are more abstract again, the lines that you pick up really add to the oppressively negative atmosphere with lines like "the pride of history, the same as murder" and "armoured machinery mangled".

The guitar returns on 'No Birds' sounding more organised on regular on this track than at any other point on the record but the distortion on the guitar and the fact that it's drowned out by Lydon's vocals most of the time prevents this from creating a more ordinary track. The introduction of some piano notes halfway through the track also keeps things unpredictable.

'Graveyard' gives more of an emphasis on the drums, together with the bass providing a strong sense of rhythm to anchor in the immediately experimental and unpredictable guitar line which was made up by Levene on the spot, acting well as a replacement for Lydon's absent vocals. The track puts further focus on the work of the band in creating the atmosphere the record has built up to this point.

'The Suit' is a much quieter track with distant sounding drums and a completely constant bass. Instrumental flairs also feel completely in the background and Lydon's lyrical delivery is far more reserved than the likes of 'Albatross' or 'Swan Lake'. It has the effect of changing the pace of the album a bit, but feels like it just kind of breezes by and only holds part of the atmosphere built up by the previous 7 tracks, but The louder drums on 'Bad Baby' help to start building things back up again. The keyboards are really scattered across the track building an uneasy air whenever they enter and conflict effectively with the bass and vocal track. Though in the spaces where they don't enter the track can be similarly dull to 'the Suit'.

Second instrumental 'Socialist' ups the stakes again with a much faster rhythm section. As with 'Graveyard', the lead instrument of the track, this time a keyboard, is played completely unpredictably helping give energy to the constant bass on the track. The drums serve to up the intensity at certain points, whilst sometimes dropping out completely for a few seconds.

'Chant' sees the reintroduction of vocals as well as a constant background chant of "mob, war, kill, hate". The bass is far more reserved on this track letting Levene's guitar fight it out with the more repetitive elements of the track. the layered vocals towards the end of the track coupled with the build up of the track builds the sound to a fever pitch, peaking at times where Lydon repeats "chant" to create moments of complete organised chaos. The unnerving introduction of an organ closes out the track.

Closer 'Radio 4' starts with the lush sound of synths, particularly exaggerated by the oppressive tone of the rest of the album. Every instrument is played by Keith Levene giving a sense of cohesion not really present in the rest of the album making it the perfect closer for a record so ruled by chaos.

The first six tracks of 'Metal Box' are the pinnacle of post punk, full of unexpected turns, chaotic instrumentation, infectious bass lines and disturbing vocals. This makes it impossible for the latter half to keep up but three brilliant instrumental tracks and the repetitive power of 'Chant' keep the standard very high in spite of the comparative lull of the back to back tracks 'The Suit' and 'Bad Baby'. While Lydon's complete left turn from the Sex Pistols may have been hard to for a lot of people to stomach back in 1979, or even today amongst new fans, it paved the way for many of the best and most experimental albums of the 80s, whilst being a uniquely harsh and abrasive record in itself.

Best Track: Memories
[First added to this chart: 02/12/2018]
Year of Release:
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[First added to this chart: 02/15/2017]
Year of Release:
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[First added to this chart: 02/15/2017]
Year of Release:
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[First added to this chart: 02/15/2017]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1971:
Rank in 1970s:
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Total albums: 100. Page 2 of 10

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Top 100 Music Albums of the 1970s composition

Year Albums %

1970 6 6%
1971 14 14%
1972 8 8%
1973 10 10%
1974 11 11%
1975 11 11%
1976 6 6%
1977 13 13%
1978 10 10%
1979 11 11%
Artist Albums %

Pink Floyd 5 5%
David Bowie 5 5%
Brian Eno 4 4%
Fela Kuti & Africa 70 3 3%
Lou Reed 3 3%
Led Zeppelin 2 2%
Nico 2 2%
Show all
Country Albums %

United Kingdom 38 38%
United States 27 27%
Germany 8 8%
Brazil 7 7%
Canada 6 6%
Mixed Nationality 4 4%
Nigeria 3 3%
Show all
Live? Albums %
No 98 98%
Yes 2 2%

Top 100 Music Albums of the 1970s chart changes

Biggest climbers
Climber Up 46 from 58th to 12th
Here Come The Warm Jets
by Brian Eno
Climber Up 40 from 73rd to 33rd
Close To The Edge
by Yes
Climber Up 27 from 42nd to 15th
After The Gold Rush
by Neil Young
Biggest fallers
Faller Down 81 from 15th to 96th
Exile On Main St.
by The Rolling Stones
Faller Down 73 from 20th to 93rd
The Dark Side Of The Moon
by Pink Floyd
Faller Down 67 from 25th to 92nd
by Patti Smith
New entries
New entryThe End...
by Nico
New entryMusic For 18 Musicians
by Steve Reich
New entryGil & Jorge: Ogum Xangô
by Gilberto Gil & Jorge Ben
New entryHejira
by Joni Mitchell
New entryKimono My House
by Sparks
New entryPaix
by Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes
New entryMarquee Moon
by Television
New entryFirst Utterance
by Comus
New entryNo. 1 In Heaven
by Sparks
New entryFuture Days
by Can
New entryRed
by King Crimson
New entryVisions Of The Country
by Robbie Băsho
New entryConstrução
by Chico Buarque
New entryÂme Debout
by Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes
New entryLet My Children Hear Music
by Charles Mingus
New entry(No Pussyfooting)
by Fripp & Eno
New entryDesertshore
by Nico
New entryRam
by Paul & Linda McCartney
New entryThousand Knives
by Ryuichi Sakamoto
New entryThe Pavilion Of Dreams
by Harold Budd
New entryEinstein On The Beach
by Philip Glass Ensemble
New entryBerlin
by Lou Reed
New entryMilagre Dos Peixes
by Milton Nascimento
New entryLove In Us All
by Pharoah Sanders
New entry20 Jazz Funk Greats
by Throbbing Gristle
New entryThe Idiot
by Iggy Pop
New entryNatural Elements
by Shakti With John McLaughlin
New entryRust Never Sleeps
by Neil Young & Crazy Horse
New entryExpensive Shit
by Fela Kuti & Africa 70
New entryMetal Machine Music
by Lou Reed
New entryDrumming / Music For Mallet Instruments, Voices And Organ / Six Pianos
by Steve Reich & Musicians
New entryX
by Klaus Schulze
New entryRadio City
by Big Star
New entryClube Da Esquina
by Milton Nascimento / Lô Borges
New entryTransformer
by Lou Reed
New entryCountry Life
by Roxy Music
New entryGentleman
by Fela Kuti & Africa 70
New entryPaêbirú
by Lula Côrtes & Zé Ramalho
New entryBirds Of Fire
by Mahavishnu Orchestra
New entry3rd
by Big Star
New entryLegal
by Gal Costa
New entryDialoghi Del Presente
by Luciano Cilio
New entryRicochet
by Tangerine Dream
New entryZuma
by Neil Young & Crazy Horse
New entryD.O.A: The Third And Final Report Of Throbbing Gristle
by Throbbing Gristle
New entryStatic Disposal
by Debris'
New entryVeedon Fleece
by Van Morrison
New entryWinter In America
by Gil Scott-Heron And Brian Jackson
New entryThe Pleasure Principle
by Gary Numan
New entryApproximately Infinite Universe
by Yoko Ono
New entryMovies
by Holger Czukay
New entrySurf's Up
by The Beach Boys
New entryTaking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy)
by Brian Eno
New entryA Trip To Marineville
by Swell Maps
New entryPicchio Dal Pozzo
by Picchio Dal Pozzo
New entryMeus Caros Amigos
by Chico Buarque
New entrySorrow Tears And Blood
by Fela Kuti & Africa 70
Leaver Exodus
by Bob Marley & The Wailers
Leaver Tusk
by Fleetwood Mac
Leaver Quadrophenia
by The Who
Leaver Paranoid
by Black Sabbath
Leaver The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
by Genesis
Leaver Journey In Satchidananda
by Alice Coltrane
Leaver A Night At The Opera
by Queen
Leaver Fleetwood Mac (1975)
by Fleetwood Mac
Leaver Live At The Witch Trials
by The Fall
Leaver Die Mensch·Maschine [The Man-Machine]
by Kraftwerk
Leaver Off The Wall
by Michael Jackson
Leaver The Clash
by The Clash
Leaver Bright Phoebus
by Lal & Mike Waterson
Leaver Let It Be
by The Beatles
Leaver Selling England By The Pound
by Genesis
Leaver Who's Next
by The Who
Leaver Transa
by Caetano Veloso
Leaver Ambient 1: Music For Airports
by Brian Eno
Leaver Public Image
by Public Image Ltd.
Leaver Songs In The Key Of Life
by Stevie Wonder
Leaver Imagine
by John Lennon
Leaver Mothership Connection
by Parliament
Leaver Fear Of Music
by Talking Heads
Leaver Thick As A Brick
by Jethro Tull
Leaver Raw Power
by Iggy And The Stooges
Leaver Y
by The Pop Group
Leaver Bridge Over Troubled Water
by Simon & Garfunkel
Leaver This Heat
by This Heat
Leaver What's Going On
by Marvin Gaye
Leaver Aladdin Sane
by David Bowie
Leaver Lust For Life
by Iggy Pop
Leaver Phaedra
by Tangerine Dream
Leaver Led Zeppelin III
by Led Zeppelin
Leaver Young Americans
by David Bowie
Leaver Born To Run
by Bruce Springsteen
Leaver Physical Graffiti
by Led Zeppelin
Leaver 2112
by Rush
Leaver Apostrophe (')
by Frank Zappa
Leaver Harvest
by Neil Young
Leaver Tarkus
by Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Leaver There's A Riot Goin' On
by Sly & The Family Stone
Leaver Diamond Dogs
by David Bowie
Leaver Black Sabbath
by Black Sabbath
Leaver Sheer Heart Attack
by Queen
Leaver Parallel Lines
by Blondie
Leaver A New World Record
by Electric Light Orchestra
Leaver Talking Heads: 77
by Talking Heads
Leaver Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
by Black Sabbath
Leaver My Aim Is True
by Elvis Costello
Leaver Desire
by Bob Dylan
Leaver Let's Get It On
by Marvin Gaye
Leaver Boston
by Boston
Leaver The Cars
by The Cars
Leaver Queen II
by Queen
Leaver Dragnet
by The Fall
Leaver Darkness On The Edge Of Town
by Bruce Springsteen
Leaver Autobahn
by Kraftwerk

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Top 100 Music Albums of the 1970s ratings

Average Rating: 
86/100 (from 2 votes)
  Ratings distributionRatings distribution Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

N.B. The average rating for this chart will not be reliable as it has been rated very few times.

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09/11/2017 08:41 bobbyb5  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 72890/100
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08/13/2017 20:02 thirstyDog  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 10786/100

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