Top 64 Greatest Music Albums by ForegroundNoise

My old tutor sits opposite me, the wrinkled contours of his face and erratic white wisps of hair blurring the boundaries between him and the old mahogany office surrounding us. Before he speaks, he seems for a moment to be no less a part of the furniture than the armchair he sits in. He starts suddenly, a thought occurring to him.

“Do you remember that first classics society meeting, right when you first got here? Where you had to bring a poem or painting or something and talk to us all about it?” The words break the silence in a flurry, as if he’s afraid someone is about to catch him in the act.

“Yes.” My tone betrays my anticipation.

“Well, I bet no-one ever told you what that whole thing was really all about did they?” He is leaning in now, the smile plastered across his face so infectious it starts to illuminate the dark room.

“You see the problem is, is that everyone is looking the art. There, ha!” he nods to himself; a finger points upwards. “That’s your first mistake.” I raise an eyebrow in response, but he is submerged in thought, eyes cast down to the carpet.

“Some people are worried about the art. They want the right bit of art not the wrong bit; they want to show off how clever they are that they know this bit of art and you don’t. Some aren’t so fussed about it; they just pick whatever they like. Some even take a look at it all and think ‘No not for me, I don’t think so’, and try and take the whole thing apart. Show us a scrap of paper with a scribble on it. ‘I’m not playing your game’ - oh yes you are! See what they don’t know, is that as soon as they were invited to play they were playing it. All of us were. The art was never the important bit, I was never looking at the art, I was looking at YOU.”

With the final word his eyes move back to me. The finger points forward.

“Yes, you, there! Whatever you picked, whatever you did, you can't help but give us a reflection of yourself. That's what I was looking for. Not the art. I wasn’t looking at what you were saying about it. I was looking at what it was saying about you.”


I've fallen out of love with this chart in recent times, probably because there's something a little too overwhelming in having to represent my favourites out of every album ever. The problem that arises with these colossal, era-spanning anthologies is that they find it hard to strike a balance between acknowledging the cultural context and subsequent limitations of some of these records, and just eulogising the past.

Lately I've found it much more rewarding to focus on my decade and year charts so this one might be left to gather dust for a while. As of 2021/05/13 I've given up trying to order these from best to bestest, and instead have decided to list out some favourites ordered (roughly) by genre; this is NOT in order of favourite to 64th favourite. More extensive decade lists to follow as soon as I can.

Much love,
FN xx

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indie folk • indie rock

(Merge, 39:51)

"And your mom would drink until she was no longer speaking
And dad would dream of all the different ways to die
Each one a little more than he could dare to try"
[First added to this chart: 10/01/2017]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1998:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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indie rock

(Epic, 58:48)

"And it's our lives
It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember
We're alive for the first time
It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember
We're alive for the last time
It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember
To live before you die
It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember
That our lives are such a short time
It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember
When it takes such a long time
It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember"
[First added to this chart: 10/01/2017]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 2000:
Rank in 2000s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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indie rock

(City Slang, 54:12)


"Every thousand years
This metal sphere
Ten times the size of Jupiter
Floats just a few yards past the Earth

You climb on your roof
And take a swipe at it with a single feather
Hit it once every thousand years

Til you've worn it down
To the size of a pea
Yeah, I'd say that's a long time
But it's only half a blink
In the place you're gonna be"
[First added to this chart: 03/21/2024]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1997:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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indie pop

(Sub Pop, 33:31)

"You were no ordinary drain on her defenses
And she was no ordinary girl
Oh, Inverted World!"
[First added to this chart: 10/01/2017]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 2001:
Rank in 2000s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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chamber pop

(Asthmatic Kitty, 73:59)

"Tuesday night at the Bible study
We lift our hands and pray over your body
But nothing ever happens"
[First added to this chart: 10/01/2017]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 2005:
Rank in 2000s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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art pop • electronic

(One Little Indian, 55:39)


"We faint back
Into sleephood
When I wake up
The second time
In his arms
He's still inside me"
[First added to this chart: 03/19/2024]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 2001:
Rank in 2000s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
17. (=)
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alternative rock • art rock

(EMI, 66:43)

"You'd love my bed,
You took the other instead"
[First added to this chart: 10/14/2017]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1999:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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dream pop • progressive pop • neo-psychedelia

(Polydor, 35:16)

"僕ら半分 夢の中" [We are half in a dream]
[First added to this chart: 10/05/2017]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1996:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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(Odeon, 64:11)

"Sei a vez de me lançar" [I know the time to throw myself]
[First added to this chart: 09/30/2018]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1972:
Rank in 1970s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
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krautrock • psychedelic rock

(Liberty, 68:32)

"They brought my sister to trial
Cutting her face from her smile"
[First added to this chart: 02/02/2018]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1970:
Rank in 1970s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
Total albums: 64. Page 2 of 7

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Top 64 Greatest Music Albums composition

Decade Albums %

1930s 0 0%
1940s 0 0%
1950s 0 0%
1960s 5 8%
1970s 18 28%
1980s 8 13%
1990s 16 25%
2000s 13 20%
2010s 4 6%
2020s 0 0%
Country Albums %

United States 31 48%
United Kingdom 19 30%
Mixed Nationality 4 6%
Germany 3 5%
Canada 2 3%
Iceland 2 3%
Brazil 1 2%
Show all
Compilation? Albums %
No 63 98%
Yes 1 2%

Top 64 Greatest Music Albums chart changes

Biggest climbers
Climber Up 4 from 37th to 33rd
You're Living All Over Me
by Dinosaur Jr.
Climber Up 4 from 36th to 32nd
Daydream Nation
by Sonic Youth
Biggest fallers
Faller Down 2 from 32nd to 34th
by My Bloody Valentine
Faller Down 2 from 33rd to 35th
Mogwai Young Team
by Mogwai
Faller Down 2 from 34th to 36th
by Slint

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Top 64 Greatest Music Albums ratings

Average Rating: 
93/100 (from 86 votes)
  Ratings distributionRatings distribution Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

Showing latest 5 ratings for this chart. | Show all 86 ratings for this chart.

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RatingDate updatedMemberChart ratingsAvg. chart rating
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01/06/2023 08:58 Johnnyo  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 2,02880/100
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07/09/2022 03:54 leniad  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 68685/100
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04/09/2022 08:31 Applerill  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 97675/100
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11/09/2021 18:39 seb7  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 10591/100
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05/29/2021 02:00 sirps  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 180/100

Rating metrics: Outliers can be removed when calculating a mean average to dampen the effects of ratings outside the normal distribution. This figure is provided as the trimmed mean. A high standard deviation can be legitimate, but can sometimes indicate 'gaming' is occurring. Consider a simplified example* of an item receiving ratings of 100, 50, & 0. The mean average rating would be 50. However, ratings of 55, 50 & 45 could also result in the same average. The second average might be more trusted because there is more consensus around a particular rating (a lower deviation).
(*In practice, some charts can have several thousand ratings)

This chart is rated in the top 1% of all charts on This chart has a Bayesian average rating of 93.4/100, a mean average of 93.5/100, and a trimmed mean (excluding outliers) of 94.2/100. The standard deviation for this chart is 7.7.

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Top 64 Greatest Music Albums comments

Showing latest 10 comments | Show all 48 comments |
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From 02/17/2023 15:37
Thanks— hoping you find a couple gems in there (a lot suit your chart's taste— I think you'll find at least 4-5 records you'll really enjoy). I've been meaning to update that chart for quite some time. Needs a bit of a new coat of paint— maybe in a month or two. One of the main concepts for that chart was originally 'uniquely/weirdly made albums', but I like what it turned into. Bit of a different world going on with those cuts.
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From 01/06/2023 08:58
Really good chart
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From 07/09/2022 03:55
love your chart, some albums i like that never swa so high in others list
Helpful?  (Log in to vote) | +1 votes (1 helpful | 0 unhelpful)
From 11/09/2021 18:39
Man, I love this chart.
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From 05/29/2021 02:00
Very nice, lots of interesting stuff!
Helpful?  (Log in to vote) | +1 votes (1 helpful | 0 unhelpful)
From 05/02/2021 15:46
Amazing chart, I love the presentation and short descriptions
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From 04/26/2020 18:48
I could instantly tell I was going to give this chart 100
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From 02/13/2020 10:08
Thanks for the chart comment. Love all the album notes too!
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From 01/12/2020 22:16

First of all, thank you so much for your comment in my page! I really was touched by your words.
About your chart here, I have to admit that I don't know 80% of this. The ones I do I know the value and know that they are great! Also, I feel like you are a powerhouse of music knowledge and would love to keep trading more information and passion for this! Last but not least, wish you to complete this with 100 albums. cheers!
Helpful?  (Log in to vote) | +3 votes (3 helpful | 0 unhelpful)
From 10/30/2019 17:30
thanx mate :)
Helpful?  (Log in to vote) | -1 votes (0 helpful | 1 unhelpful)

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