Top 100 Greatest Music Albums by chavaloricardin Unknown

This is a list of albums that changed the way I understand music, influenced me and inspired me to learn to play an instrument. Each one of the albums that you will find in this chart have changed my life and are part of me in some way.

I grew up listening to "Classic-Rock" (AC/DC, The Beatles, Queen, etc) and with the pass of time I began to listen to alternative and more melancholic music (Radiohead, Keane, The Strokes, etc), I also opened up to genres like Hip-Hop or electronic music (DJ Shadow, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, etc) so you'll see a lot of that here.

This Chart is not definitive, and my tastes are changing over time, so I will probably have to give a revision to this list in a couple of years, but for now here it is.

"As a rule, I only put maximum 2 albums per artist to give more variety"

Nota en Español:
Esta es una lista de los álbumes que cambiaron mi forma de entender la música, tuvieron influencia en mi y me inspiraron a aprender a tocar algún instrumento. Cada uno de los álbumes que encontraras en este chart han cambiado mi vida y forman parte de mi de algún modo.

No es una lista definitiva y mis gustos van cambiando con el tiempo, probablemente tenga que darle una revisión a esta lista en un par de años, pero por lo pronto aquí lo tienen.

Yo crecí escuchando "Rock-Clásico" (AC/DC, The Beatles, Queen, etc) y con el paso del tiempo comencé a escuchar música alternativa y más melancólica (Radiohead, Keane, The Strokes, etc), también me abrí a géneros como el Hip-Hop o música electrónica (DJ Shadow, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, etc) por lo que veras mucho de eso aquí.

"Como regla, solo puse máximo 2 álbumes por artista para dar más variedad y decidí no incluir álbumes recopilatorios."

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I know, this isn't the most popular or influential album, and i don't really care, so why did I choose it No. 1? simple; This is the one that has had the most impact on me. Thanks to this album I learned to play the piano, and it also influenced me to start listening to alternative / indie music and other genres, to gradually get to know other bands.

What makes Hopes and Fears special? I think it's a misunderstood album, but its melancholic sound and minimalist production give it an organic and authentic sound, each small piano arrangement gives depth to each of the songs, Tom Chaplin's voice is wonderful and everything together gives that melancholic but hopeful atmosphere at the same time, that's exactly what KEANE wanted to convey with this classic.
Sometimes the simplest things can touch our deepest feelings, and KEANE only needed a piano, drums and a sweet voice to achieve it.

As if the above were not enough, at least 5 of my favorite songs are here (Somewhere Only We Know, Everybody's changing, This Is The Last Time, She Has No Time and Bedshaped).

I could spend hours talking about this album, but for the moment I can only say "thank you KEANE".

Nota en Español:
Lo sé, este no es el álbum más popular ni el más influyente, entonces ¿por qué la elegí como número 1? simple; éste es el que más impacto ha tenido sobre mí. Gracias a este álbum fue que aprendí a tocar el piano, y además me influenció para empezar a escuchar musica alternativa/indie y demás generos, para poco a poco ir conociendo otras bandas.
¿Qué hace especial a Hopes and Fears? Me parece que es un álbum incomprendido, pero su sonido melancólico y producción minimalista le dan un sonido organico y autentico, cada pequeño arreglo de piano le da profundidad a cada una de las canciones, la voz de Tom Chaplin es maravillosa y todo en conjunto da esa atmosfera melancólica pero esperanzadora a la vez, justamente eso es lo que quiso transmitir KEANE con éste clásico.
A veces las cosas más sencillas pueden tocar nuestros sentimientos más profundos, y KEANE solo necesitó un piano, batería y una dulce voz para lograrlo.
Por si lo anterior fuera poco, almenos 5 de mis canciones favoritas están aquí (Somewhere Only We Know, Everybody's changing, This Is The Last Time, She Has No Time y Bedshaped). Podría pasar horas hablando de este álbum, pero por el momento solo me queda decir "gracias KEANE".
[First added to this chart: 03/08/2023]
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2. (=)
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I'm not sure if "Kid A" is my favorite Radiohead album, but it's definitely the one that has changed my life the most...
The first time I heard this album I couldn't believe it, it was fucking crazy!!!!! Every time I listen to "Kid A" it produces so many emotions in me that it is difficult to explain, it's so dense, atmospheric and depressive that I simply love it. I never imagined music could sound this way.

It's hard for me to leave out of this chart other Radiohead albums, "In Rainbows", "The Bends" or "Amnesiac" could easily enter at my top 20.

No estoy seguro si "Kid A" es mi álbum favorito de Radiohead, pero definitivamente es el que más ha cambiado mi vida...
La primera vez que escuché este álbum no lo podía creer, fue una maldita locura!!!!! Cada vez que escucho "Kid A" me produce tantas emociones que es difícil explicar, es tan denso, atmosférico y depresivo que simplemente me encanta. Nunca imaginé que la música pudiera sonar de esta manera.

Es difícil para mí dejar fuera de este chart otros álbumes de Radiohead, "In Rainbows", "The Bends" o "Amnesiac" podrían entrar en mi top 20 fácilmente.
[First added to this chart: 03/08/2023]
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"OK Computer" is the album that I have listened to the most by Radiohead, perhaps, it did not make the same impression on me as "Kid A" when I heard it for the first time, but over time it has won my heart. Each song is a 10 out of 10 but even within the excellence there are levels, and "No Surprises", "Paranoid Android", "Let Down", "Airbag" and "Exit Music (For A Film)" are the best of the best.

OK Computer es el álbum que más he escuchado de Radiohead, tal vez, no me causo la misma impresión que "Kid A" cuando lo escuché por primera vez, pero con el paso del tiempo se ha ido ganando mi corazón. Cada canción es un 10 de 10 pero incluso, dentro de la excelencia hay niveles, y "No Surprises", "Paranoid Android", "Let Down", "Airbag" y "Exit Music (For A Film)" son lo mejor de lo mejor.
[First added to this chart: 03/08/2023]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1997:
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Un album con un estilo barroco en forma de rock orquestal. Cada arreglo instrumental está cuidadosamente puesto aquí y en conjunto con la parte lírica, la cual trata temas sobre la infancia, madurar y la muerte, hacen de este álbum un excelente debut para Arcade Fire.
Todas las canciones son increíbles pero mis favoritas son “Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)”, “wake up” y “rebellion (lies)”.

English review
An album with a baroque style in the form of orchestral rock. Each instrumental arrangement is carefully placed here and together with the lyrical part, which deals with themes of childhood, growing up and death, make this album an excellent debut for Arcade Fire.
All the songs are amazing but my favorites are “Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)”, “Wake up” and “rebellion (lies)”.
[First added to this chart: 03/08/2023]
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El último álbum grabado por The Beatles aunque "Let it be" se lanzó después!!! como sea, representa la cúspide de toda la evolución musical que tuvo esta gran banda desde el inicio de su carrera, cada canción es perfecta pero "here comes the sun", "come together" y "something" siempre estarán en mi corazón. Abbey Road es por mucho mi álbum favorito de The Beatles.

English review:
The last album recorded by The Beatles although "Let it be" was released later!!! Anyway, it represents the peak of all the musical evolution that this great band had since the beginning of their career, each song is perfect but "Here comes the sun", "Come together" and "Something" will always be in my heart. Abbey Road is by far my favorite The Beatles album.
[First added to this chart: 03/08/2023]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1969:
Rank in 1960s:
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Hip-hop is a genre that I rarely listen to, but the first time I heard this Entroducing... by Dj Shadow it blew my mind... I couldn't believe that I liked an instrumental hip-hop album so much, so that thanks to this album I started to give hip-hop a chance.

El hip-hop es un genero que escucho pocas veces, pero la primera vez que escuché este Entroducing.... de Dj Shadow me voló la cabeza... no podía creer que un álbum de hip-hop instrumental me gustara tanto, así que gracias a este álbum comencé a darle una oportunidad al hip-hop.
[First added to this chart: 03/08/2023]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1996:
Rank in 1990s:
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[First added to this chart: 01/03/2024]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1979:
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A more accessible album than its predecessor "Perfect From Now On". It is full of great songs like "The Plan", "Center Of The Universe" or "Else" but without a doubt the one that stole my heart was "Carry The Zero", it is easily one of my 5 favorite songs in life.

Un álbum más accesible que su antecesor "Perfect From Now On". Está repleto de grandes canciones como "The Plan", "Center Of The Universe" o "Else" pero sin duda la que se robó mi corazón fue "Carry The Zero", fácilmente es una de mis 5 canciones favoritas de la vida.
[First added to this chart: 08/07/2023]
Year of Release:
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Cada una de las canciones están perfectamente integradas en este álbum, que es imposible saltarse alguna, desde luego que tengo mis favoritas como "Death with Dignity", "Should Have Kknow Better", "Fourt of July", "The Only Thing" y "No Shade In The Shadow Of The Cross" pero todas las canciones aquí son tan profundas, introspectivas, deprimentes pero a la vez muy tranquilas y hermosas, simplemente un álbum perfecto.

English review:
Each of the songs are perfectly integrated into this album, it is impossible to skip any of them, of course I have my favorites like "Death with Dignity", "Should Have Kknow Better", "Fourt of July", "The Only Thing" and "No Shade In The Shadow Of The Cross" but all the songs here are so deep, introspective, depressing but at the same time very calm and beautiful, just a perfect album.
[First added to this chart: 10/04/2023]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 2015:
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¿Qué puedo decir sobre este Álbum que no se haya dicho antes? Simplemente una obra maestra
"Money" es por mucho mi cancion favorita de Pink Floyd

English review
What can I say about this Album that hasn't been said before? Simply a masterpiece
"Money" is by far my favorite Pink Floyd song.
[First added to this chart: 03/08/2023]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1973:
Rank in 1970s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
Total albums: 100. Page 1 of 10

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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums composition

Decade Albums %

1930s 0 0%
1940s 0 0%
1950s 1 1%
1960s 6 6%
1970s 14 14%
1980s 10 10%
1990s 32 32%
2000s 28 28%
2010s 7 7%
2020s 2 2%
Artist Albums %

Pink Floyd 2 2%
AC/DC 2 2%
Oasis 2 2%
Arctic Monkeys 2 2%
Keane 2 2%
Radiohead 2 2%
The Strokes 2 2%
Show all
Country Albums %

United States 40 40%
United Kingdom 39 39%
Mixed Nationality 6 6%
Australia 4 4%
Canada 2 2%
Iceland 2 2%
Japan 1 1%
Show all
Soundtrack? Albums %
No 98 98%
Yes 2 2%

Top 100 Greatest Music Albums chart changes

Biggest climbers
Climber Up 33 from 59th to 26th
by Pearl Jam
Climber Up 6 from 28th to 22nd
The Glow Pt. 2
by The Microphones
Biggest fallers
Faller Down 2 from 25th to 27th
by Sufjan Stevens
Faller Down 2 from 26th to 28th
The Doors
by The Doors
Faller Down 2 from 27th to 29th
Fleet Foxes
by Fleet Foxes
Leaver Kasabian
by Kasabian

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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums ratings

Average Rating: 
86/100 (from 6 votes)
  Ratings distributionRatings distribution Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

N.B. The average rating for this chart will not be reliable as it has been rated very few times.

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04/24/2023 10:02 sssvnnn  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 2,83583/100
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04/19/2023 19:28 C_Krug2009  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 14082/100
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04/15/2023 15:08 VasileTurcut  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 283/100
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04/13/2023 04:23 seb7  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 10591/100
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04/05/2023 23:25 mrmcrook  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 40692/100

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Top 100 Greatest Music Albums comments

Showing all 5 comments |
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From 04/19/2023 19:28
You have some good picks. Shoutout to Homogenic!
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From 04/15/2023 15:08
Hola, te escribo como respuesta al comentario reciente que pusiste en mi perfil en mi lista de albumes. Muchas gracias por el comentario. Además, consideraré comentar cada uno de los albumes como me recomiendas.
En cuanto a tu lista, también me ha gustado, veo que es muy variada y que te gustan los álbumes clásicos de bandas.
En relación a Keane, ese disco me marcó bastante en su momento, y todavía lo disfruto cuando lo escucho. Además veía necesario meter discos españoles ya que también han tenido gran peso en mi vida. De ninguna manera voy a dejarlos fuera por ser españoles, para mi siguen siendo de gran calidad. Como ves, yo no valoro la calidad general de un disco, sino lo que me ha hecho sentir ese disco, que es lo que realmente veo importante.
Un saludo
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From 04/13/2023 04:24
pretty cool and interesting picks
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From 04/05/2023 23:51
Nice selection. Love your notes.
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From 03/20/2023 08:05
This is a good 50 - I know and love almost everything here. Special shout out to Keane at number 1 and also Travis.
Let me recommend 2 albums based on what you have and your comments - Neutral Milk Hotel In An Aeroplane Over The Sea - sometimes takes folk a while to really enjoy as it is kinda tortured folk; and Bon Iver - For Emma Forever Ago, lo-fi folk.
Get up to 100!
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Best Albums of 1951
1. Genius Of Modern Music by Thelonious Monk
2. Masterpieces By Ellington by Duke Ellington And His Orchestra
3. Hank Williams Sings by Hank Williams With His Drifting Cowboys
4. Afro-Cuban Jazz Suite by Machito
5. Ritual Of The Savage by Les Baxter
6. On Moonlight Bay by Doris Day
7. Lover Man by Billie Holiday
8. Les Paul's New Sound, Vol. 2 by Les Paul & Mary Ford
9. Satchmo At Symphony Hall by Louis Armstrong
10. Sonatas And Interludes For Prepared Piano By John Cage by Maro Ajemian
11. The New Sounds by Miles Davis
12. Judy At The Palace by Judy Garland
13. Talking And Drum Solos by Baby Dodds
14. I'll See You In My Dreams by Doris Day
15. Lullaby Of Broadway by Doris Day
16. Encores by Édith Piaf
17. Harmony Time Vol.2 by The Chordettes
18. 1ère Série: Félix Leclerc Chante Ses Derniers Succès by Félix Leclerc
19. Blessed Assurance by Sister Rosetta Tharpe
20. Porgy And Bess by George Gershwin
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