Top 2 Music Albums of 1959 by Exist-en-ciel
- Chart updated: 4 days ago
- (Created: 08/25/2022 13:21).
- Chart size: 2 albums.
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Modal Jazz, Cool Jazz
Track selection: So What
1. So What 9
2. Freddie Freeloader 8.5
3. Blue in Green 8.5
4. All Blues 8.5
5. Flamenco Sketches 8.5 [First added to this chart: 08/25/2022]
Track selection: So What
1. So What 9
2. Freddie Freeloader 8.5
3. Blue in Green 8.5
4. All Blues 8.5
5. Flamenco Sketches 8.5 [First added to this chart: 08/25/2022]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1959:
Rank in 1950s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
2. (=)
Electronic, Experimental, Tape Music
Best track: Syncopation
1. Syncopation 7.5
2. Intersection (Fantasy for Electronic Sound and Orchestra) 7.5
3. Drifting 7.5
4. Vibration 7.5
5. Song of the Second Moon 7.5
6. Whirling 7.5
7. Mechanical Motions 7.5
8. Pianoforte 7.5 [First added to this chart: 01/01/2025]
Best track: Syncopation
1. Syncopation 7.5
2. Intersection (Fantasy for Electronic Sound and Orchestra) 7.5
3. Drifting 7.5
4. Vibration 7.5
5. Song of the Second Moon 7.5
6. Whirling 7.5
7. Mechanical Motions 7.5
8. Pianoforte 7.5 [First added to this chart: 01/01/2025]
Total albums: 2. Page 1 of 1
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Top 2 Music Albums of 1959 composition
Artist | Albums | % | |
Miles Davis | 1 | 50% | |
Tom Dissevelt & Kid Baltan | 1 | 50% |
Top 2 Music Albums of 1959 chart changes
There have been no changes to this chart.Top 2 Music Albums of 1959 similarity to your chart(s)
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Other year charts by Exist-en-ciel
(from the 1950s)Title | Source | Type | Published | Country |
Top 2 Music Albums of 1959 | Exist-en-ciel | 1959 year chart | 2025 | |
Best Album of 1957 | Exist-en-ciel | 1957 year chart | 2025 | |
Best Album of 1956 | Exist-en-ciel | 1956 year chart | 2025 | |
Best Album of 1953 | Exist-en-ciel | 1953 year chart | 2022 |
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