Loveless (studio album) by My Bloody Valentine

Loveless by My Bloody Valentine
Year: 1991
Overall rank: 22nd   Overall chart historyOverall chart history
Average Rating: 
86/100 (from 2,407 votes)
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Award Top 5 albums of 1991 (2nd)
Award Top 10 albums of the 1990s (4th)
Award Top 50 albums of all time (22nd)
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Condition: New

my bloody valentine Loveless (Vinyl) 12" Album (UK IMPORT)
Condition: New

my bloody valentine Loveless (Vinyl) 12" Album Gatefold (Deluxe) (UK IMPORT)
Condition: New

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My Bloody Valentine bestography

Loveless is ranked as the best album by My Bloody Valentine.

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-LovelessIsn't Anything

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NMSU Pan American Center, Las Cruces, United States. United States
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Loveless track list

  Track ratingsTrack ratings The tracks on this album have an average rating of 87 out of 100 (all tracks have been rated).

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Rating: 92 (701 votes)Comments: 13
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Rating: 86 (502 votes)Comments: 6
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Rating: 79 (460 votes)Comments: 8
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Rating: 87 (501 votes)Comments: 5
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Rating: 88 (493 votes)Comments: 8
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Rating: 91 (587 votes)Comments: 15
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Rating: 86 (483 votes)Comments: 7
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Rating: 86 (486 votes)Comments: 5
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Rating: 90 (556 votes)Comments: 11
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Loveless ratings

Average Rating: 
86/100 (from 2,407 votes)
  Ratings distributionRatings distribution Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

Showing latest 5 ratings for this album. | Show all 2,407 ratings for this album.

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RatingDate updatedMemberAlbum ratingsAvg. album rating
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04/27/2024 15:20 Jameth  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 3,36868/100
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04/26/2024 04:51 radio-head  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 48181/100
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04/22/2024 20:09 elchoppe  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 21380/100
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04/20/2024 17:11 Tuur  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 93167/100
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04/12/2024 15:36 yes340  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 65874/100

Rating metrics: Outliers can be removed when calculating a mean average to dampen the effects of ratings outside the normal distribution. This figure is provided as the trimmed mean. A high standard deviation can be legitimate, but can sometimes indicate 'gaming' is occurring. Consider a simplified example* of an item receiving ratings of 100, 50, & 0. The mean average rating would be 50. However, ratings of 55, 50 & 45 could also result in the same average. The second average might be more trusted because there is more consensus around a particular rating (a lower deviation).
(*In practice, some albums can have several thousand ratings)

This album is rated in the top 1% of all albums on This album has a Bayesian average rating of 86.2/100, a mean average of 84.6/100, and a trimmed mean (excluding outliers) of 86.3/100. The standard deviation for this album is 17.7.

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Loveless comments

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From 01/18/2024 18:11
The opening and closing tracks (Only Shallow and Soon) are spectacular but overall I don't like the sound of the album. There's a constant droning guitar in the background of each track that makes it at times almost unlistenable, especially in track 4 (To Here Knows When). You can barely hear anything else. A shame as there's some absolute gold in there that I'm sure I can't hear properly, even through my new Airpods...
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From 07/15/2023 21:19
Shoegaze blueprint and unmatched masterpiece, on this album gorgeous melodies are mixed with loud, noisy guitars and it works really well together. Almost every song is perfection and album is varied enough to display lots of shoegaze styles.
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From 06/03/2023 04:17
Ethereal lyrics and very loud instrumentation that blends together to form a wall of noise. It doesn't seem like a combination that works, but it does here. It inspired the shoegaze genre, so it gets A+ for innovation and inspiring other musicians.

I thought it wasnt my cup of tea, but it grew on me pretty quickly. I think they are at their best when they tone it down though. The entire album kind of sounds like a middle ground between a dream and a nightmare.
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From 05/14/2023 11:52
This record just engulfs you right from the start! You are instantly dragged into this heavy and powerful cloud of noise that suffocates most new listeners. It is only after you have experienced this release a few more times that you truly start to understand and appreciate the musical genius that is present on here. The music is brilliantly composed with the guitars supplying us with this constant whirring sound, such as on sometimes, which can so easily send you into a state of serenity. The guitar work can be quite polarising on here with one half of listeners being instantly turned off from the music due to its overpowering style and the other half completely embracing it and falling in love with getting lost in the wall of noise. The drum work is sensational on here as well with the way it is made to sound far off and like it is in the distance is genius. It acts as a constant and repetitive pattern which is something our mind craves for and is drawn to so with it seeming so far away we are constantly reaching for that repetition while only being dragged further and further into the music. This always blows me away with how they achieved this and whenever I close my eyes and listen to this record I get lost all over again. The vocalists also add an additional edge to the music with the contrast between male and female working very well on here. The female vocal gives us something that stands out against the music making it easy to become attached to it especially with the delicate and beautiful performance she gives. Then there is the male vocal which becomes an extension of the instrumentation, for example on what you want, where it can at times seamlessly blend with the chaotic style they are going for. Overall, the music on here seems disordered and confused but it is anything but that with every moment being carefully put in place to become one of the most intelligent displays of musical genius I have ever heard.
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From 05/13/2023 00:49

Complicado traducir en palabras las sensaciones que genera Loveless. Es el Teenage Wasteland de los 90. Es una oda energética de pura vulnerabilidad y euforia. Es un vaivén frenético cuyas ondas conducen inexorablemente a la desolación. Sometimes, la mejor canción del grupo, se siente un power pop retraído, lo más balada a lo que puede llegar el shoegaze, una surrender song, cuando el amor no puede ser correspondido. When You Sleep, una de las mejores del disco, tiene probablemente las letras que mejor pueden inmortalizar el álbum. La distorsión entre cada tema aísla en muchos dispositivos la letra, un toque artístico que sublima la falta de amor. Loveless es probablemente el mejor disco de los años 90, el epítome del shoegaze y uno de los mejores albums de la historia.
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From 04/14/2023 08:48

Beyond the myth, this album remains to this day (and will remain) as a considerable influence, an example of sound, attitude, creativity that no Shoegaze band will be able to replace whatever the talent
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From 03/06/2023 09:42
Kind of freaks me out this album. Definitely different
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From 05/01/2022 22:31
Many see this as the ultimate shoegaze album and it’s easy to see why. It is one of the most perfect examples of merging vastly opposing sound and textures. The merging of the whirring, motor like instrumentation with the soothing harmonious vocals is fantastic. The infectious choruses hold the songs together fantastically well and, along with the soothing and dreamy vocals, provide a perfect antidote to the chaos of the instrumentation. This album is almost like a drug. It calms you, it soothes you, it makes you go into your own world where everything, just for that moment, is OK. A simply stunning piece of music.
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From 04/13/2022 15:26
A challenging listen that took me a while to fully appreciate. After a few listens the sonic masterpiece starts to find ways for the melodies to get under your skin, it challenges you to focus your ear in to different elements of sound that usually don't fully engage you. The album forces you to engage and if you let it, it showers you in a warm fuzzy sound that starts to make you think and feel introspectively. It really is one of a kind.
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From 01/21/2022 22:19
took me a bit longer than i'd like to admit to appreciate this album
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