Top 56 Greatest Music Albums by hailey

In the summer of 2018, I had a friend of mine introduce me to the best music I have ever listened to. Before I started talking to my friend I was listening to today's alternative music, which, isn't near as great as any of the things I have listed on this chart. The first album he had me listen to was Illinois by Sufjan Stevens. It was very different, but I loved it. I then asked him for some more music suggestions and he gave me a list that was almost 100 albums long with all sorts of artists. I am still working on listening to them, but my experience so far has been so great with this music. As of now, I am still meeting new people, which brings along a lot of different music tastes that just gets mixed in with this big list of (sometimes) random albums.

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Favorite: surf wax America, only in dreams
Collection: Vinyl

this album was one of the first GOOD albums I got attached to. I remember listening to say it ain't so a million times because I couldn't get over how good it is. I feel like this album has a song for each kind of day. Surf Wax America for the good summertimes, The World Has Turned and Left Me Here for the I don't care moments, and say it ain't so because of your abusive, alcoholic father...... Anyways really good and catchy and I love the fact that this album cover is just a big ole meme.
[First added to this chart: 11/28/2018]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1994:
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Man this album...great story and meaning, just beautiful, and I cannot stop listening to it. I think this is one of the last David Bowie albums I listened to. My first one was definitely Station to Station and then Blackstar. I thought those were ok, not really anything special though, in comparison to this album. Every single song in this album is something really special to me. Soul Love is a relaxing yet frustrating concept as the characters in this story are dealing with love when they know the world is about to end. Moonage Daydream pretty much introduces Ziggy for the first time but man, the Sax solo...its probably one of the most satisfying and beautiful things I've ever heard. Another one of my favorites was Ziggy Stardust. It gave a very straightforward explanation of the "rise and fall" and I don't think it could've been more perfect than it is.

Favorite: Sorry, I can't choose a favorite...I told you this album is perfect and there is no way that I could ever just chose ONE song from here.
Collection: Vinyl
[First added to this chart: 03/22/2019]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1972:
Rank in 1970s:
Overall Rank:
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Favorite: If I Believe You and Love Me
Collection: Vinyl (clear)

Woah. it just hit me that this is by far one of my favorites of all time. I previously thought this was just an alright album, but dang, it's so much more than that. perfection. the entire thing is beautiful! some songs like Love Me, The Sound, and UGH! are fun ones to dance and sing along to when you're in a good mood, but if you're not looking for an optimistic view on life, there's always If I Believe You and Somebody Else.
[First added to this chart: 10/22/2019]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 2016:
Rank in 2010s:
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Favorite: Just What I Needed
Collection: Vinyl

I honestly didn't have a clue who the Cars were before this year. Thanks to my best friend who showed me this album and many more 70s and 80s albums, I now have another album that fits in my top 10. Another thing about this album is the amount of influence it had on the sound of rock music in the 80s. It was honestly ahead of its time, so if you like any 80s rock, you have the cars to thank. I also think is truly amazing that these guys were able to release multiple timeless classics on this one album. Truly amazing.
[First added to this chart: 10/22/2020]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1978:
Rank in 1970s:
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Favorite: Lover, You Should Have Come Over
Collection: Vinyl (purple)

Who allowed this man to have such a BEAUTIFUL voice??? what the heck??? This album is so chill and groovy. my favorite song, Lover, You Should Have Come Over, really hurts my heart sometimes, and the instrumentals in the song are almost as beautiful and stunning as his voice. Same with my second favorite, So Real, its kinda eerie and interesting at the same time, and those high notes....once again, Jeff will amaze me with what he can do with his voice every single time I listen to one of his songs.
[First added to this chart: 11/28/2018]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1994:
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Favorite: oh comely

when I first came upon this one, I got a little skeptical of the cover art. I thought, "this album looks weird, so it probably sounds weird too. Well, I was definitely right with both parts, but it's weird in some of the best ways. Half the time, I don't have a clue what is being talked about, all I know is that I like how different it is. much confusion. but this album is so fun to listen to.
[First added to this chart: 12/10/2018]
Year of Release:
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Rank in 1998:
Rank in 1990s:
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Favorite: You May Be Right

his voice, the music ugh. its perfect.
[First added to this chart: 03/22/2019]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 1980:
Rank in 1980s:
Overall Rank:
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Favorite: Sleep

it's sad, it's emo, it's just my favorite. This album for me has every emotion that I can think of, sadness, anger, loss, and recklessness. The story is about "the patient"'s death which is quite the reality check to everyone because it's a reminder that life isn't very happy sometimes. There hasn't been very many times where I haven't cried my eyes out to either Cancer, I Don't Love You, or Disenchanted.

(this doesn't really have to do with the album itself, but id like to add that the mashup between As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese and Cancer by MCR is such a beautiful thing and you should go listen to it right now)
[First added to this chart: 11/28/2018]
Year of Release:
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Rank Score:
Rank in 2006:
Rank in 2000s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
9. (8) Down1
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Favorite: Wanted U

Woah. It's absolutely crazy that this guy was filthy frank. Turns out, he has a lot of feelings that he can put into music beautifully. I cannot tell you how many times I have cried to this record. Every single track is so beautiful in its own way. I really love the guitar solo in WANTED U. It took me a fat minute, but I finally learned the whole song and it's super exciting that I can actually play it.
[First added to this chart: 04/10/2019]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 2018:
Rank in 2010s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
10. (9) Down1
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Favorite: Breed

this one never failed to put a smile on my face. I love listening to this when I'm excited because of the very energetic music but it also has a lot of sad, darker ones, which I appreciate as well.
[First added to this chart: 11/28/2018]
Year of Release:
Appears in:
Rank Score:
Rank in 1991:
Rank in 1990s:
Overall Rank:
Average Rating:
Total albums: 56. Page 1 of 6

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Top 56 Greatest Music Albums composition

Decade Albums %

1930s 0 0%
1940s 0 0%
1950s 0 0%
1960s 1 2%
1970s 8 14%
1980s 4 7%
1990s 11 20%
2000s 10 18%
2010s 22 39%
2020s 0 0%
Artist Albums %

Weezer 5 9%
My Chemical Romance 4 7%
The 1975 3 5%
Nirvana 3 5%
Green Day 2 4%
Tyler, The Creator 2 4%
Led Zeppelin 2 4%
Show all
Country Albums %

United States 37 66%
United Kingdom 15 27%
Ireland 1 2%
Mixed Nationality 1 2%
Canada 1 2%
Japan 1 2%
Compilation? Albums %
No 54 96%
Yes 2 4%
Live? Albums %
No 55 98%
Yes 1 2%
Soundtrack? Albums %
No 55 98%
Yes 1 2%

Top 56 Greatest Music Albums chart changes

Biggest climbers
Climber Up 42 from 49th to 7th
Glass Houses
by Billy Joel
Biggest fallers
Faller Down 1 from 7th to 8th
The Black Parade
by My Chemical Romance
Faller Down 1 from 8th to 9th
Ballads 1
by Joji
Faller Down 1 from 9th to 10th
by Nirvana

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Top 56 Greatest Music Albums ratings

Average Rating: 
86/100 (from 8 votes)
  Ratings distributionRatings distribution Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

N.B. The average rating for this chart will not be reliable as it has been rated very few times.

Showing latest 5 ratings for this chart. | Show all 8 ratings for this chart.

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RatingDate updatedMemberChart ratingsAvg. chart rating
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08/18/2020 10:54 MarquisMarc  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 690/100
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11/02/2019 17:43 ars2458  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 3178/100
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09/03/2019 16:59 DommeDamian  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 96990/100
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07/03/2019 12:10 PeterSmith  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 6982/100
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03/15/2019 01:17 RoundTheBend  Ratings distributionRatings distribution 37492/100

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Top 56 Greatest Music Albums comments

Showing all 4 comments |
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From 11/02/2019 17:43
The variety in this chart is truly staggering.
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From 07/03/2019 12:13
Good start and welcome to the journey. Keep going and finding new stuff - old classics, weird and new. I won't give any suggestions since you've got someone guiding you there for now. Your Pink Floyd and Bon Iver are amongst my fav's and isn't Neutral Milk Hotel just an amazing and emotional album.

Enjoy the journey and remember to add comments to your picks - why you like them and what they are - helps others decide if they want to give it a listen.
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From 02/11/2019 05:29
Best chart on the website homie
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From 01/30/2019 06:18
Lovely top ten <3
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Best Albums of 1990
1. Violator by Depeche Mode
2. Heaven Or Las Vegas by Cocteau Twins
3. Nowhere by Ride
4. Rust In Peace by Megadeth
5. Bossanova by Pixies
6. Goo by Sonic Youth
7. Ritual De Lo Habitual by Jane's Addiction
8. Repeater by Fugazi
9. The La's by The La's
10. Fear Of A Black Planet by Public Enemy
11. Canción Animal by Soda Stereo
12. The Good Son by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
13. Reading, Writing And Arithmetic by The Sundays
14. Pills 'N' Thrills And Bellyaches by Happy Mondays
15. Soundtrack From Twin Peaks by Angelo Badalamenti
16. I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got by Sinéad O'Connor
17. Flood by They Might Be Giants
18. Painkiller by Judas Priest
19. Ragged Glory by Neil Young & Crazy Horse
20. Facelift by Alice In Chains
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