1930 - The Very Best Albums by arnellarsen

1. Symphonie fantastique Hector Berlioz / Orchestre symphonique de Paris / Pierre Monteux 1930
2. Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala / Carlo Sabajno / Carmen Melis / Piero Pauli / Apollo Granforte - Tosca
Giacomo Puccini 1930
3. Symphony No. 1, in E minor Jean Sibelius / Orchestra of the Royal Philharmonic Society / Robert Kajanus
4. Orchestre de la Société Bach / Chœur de la Société Bach / Gustave Bret / Alexandre Cellier - Requiem
Gabriel Fauré 1930
5. Orquestra Pau Casals / Alfred Cortot / Pau Casals / Jacques Thibaud - Double Concerto for Violin and Cello,
Op. 102 Johannes Brahms 1930
6. Symphony No. 2, in D major Jean Sibelius / Orchestra of the Royal Philharmonic Society / Robert Kajanus
7. Various Artists - 2000 Jahre Musik auf der Schallplatte Raimbaut de Vaqueiras 1930
8. Canciones populares españolas (Conchita Supervia; Frank Marshall) Manuel de Falla 1930
9. Piano Concerto in G minor, Op. 22 Camille Saint-Saëns 1930
10. Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra of New York / Willem Mengelberg - Symphony No. 1 in C major Ludwig
van Beethoven / New York Philharmonic / Willem Mengelberg 1930
11. Various Artists - The Columbia History of Music by Ear and Eye, Volume One 1930
12. Orchestre de la Société des concerts du Conservatoire / Philippe Gaubert / Marguerite Long - 2e concerto en
fa mineur pour piano et orchestre (Op. 21) Frédéric Chopin 1930
13. Le chasseur maudit / Ferval César Franck / Vincent d' Indy 1930

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[First added to this chart: 01/29/2024]
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[First added to this chart: 01/29/2024]
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[First added to this chart: 01/29/2024]
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[First added to this chart: 01/29/2024]
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[First added to this chart: 02/04/2024]
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Total albums: 5. Page 1 of 1

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1930 - The Very Best Albums composition

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United States 3 60%
Netherlands 2 40%

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